He'd probably enjoy them.

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He doesn't think so. He's a wealthy physician elected to state office by the approval of his fellow citizens. It's no punishment at all.

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What a low-life loser. (I did have a slight problem with the math, however. Rose gave birth & was discharged 36 hrs later. Thirty-six hours after that she returned to the hospital, needing 4 units of blood. The article says she was discharged again, but doesn't state how long she was hospitalized. Then 36 hours later she died, 11 days after giving birth. Was she hospitalized for like five or six days on that second admission? That should have been enough time for them to figure out what was wrong, no? I'm just confused, but still what a sad tragedy that could have been avoided.

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I was informed that cosponsors were dropping off the bill and he withdrew it.

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The "pro-life" GOP, everyone! They'll elect doctors who kill pregnant women, then support them as they seek to repeal any law that might help prevent women from dying as a result of childbirth! Such a glorious culture of life!!

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Quite right, possession of a conscience is an immediate disqualification from membership in the republican death cult

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I've said this before (while living in Alabama), and I'll say it again: Not EVERYONE in Alabama is a moron, just everyone with any political power!

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"His Girl Friday" - 1940

Spoiler, the "killer" is in the roll up desk.

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Thank you!

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Kudos to the good Dr. Being a Republicant is a dime a dozen, being a Republicunt takes actual effort and dedication.

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This is a strong candidate.

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If them sluts would just stop having breasts and babies, none of this would be necessary!

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Excellent. i want you on MY team!

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and, apparently, licensed doctors

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it is a shame that a Sorry doctor like him got in to politics to make the laws that is convenient to him he does not even need to be a doctor much less a law maker a sad day in Alabama too bad the people in Alabama did not know about him.

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"A bill of attainder is an act of a legislature declaring a person or group of persons guilty of some crime and punishing them without privilege of a judicial trial." - Wikipedia

This bill would be an act of a legislature declairing a person or group of persons innocent of some crime and rewarding them despite their having screwed the pooch. Would that be a bill of untainder?

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