Fits nicely with with the Republitards' parallel attitude towards humans.

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So apparently he <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/02\/06\/alabama-lawmaker-pushing-personhood-because-aborted-babies-might-go-hell\/" target="_blank">made clear</a> which psalm he was talking about, and it was <a href="http:\/\/kingjbible.com\/psalms\/22.htm" target="_blank">Psalm 22</a>, which doesn't actually say what he says it says. The <a href="http:\/\/niv.scripturetext.com\/psalms\/22.htm" target="_blank">NIV</a> version says "From birth I was cast upon you", which kinda makes it sound like it was only <em>after</em> birth that God became his God, don't you think? In other words, the total opposite of what McGill (R-Numbskull) said.

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Mostly I wonder where a fetus gets an awesome, NFL-quality tattoo like that.

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Now, I believe that some of Hammurabi's laws were a tad more enlightened.

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Smaller government: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

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Wasn't Shadrack in the Fiery Furnace with Bendigo?

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Hydraulic seals will keep those fetuses up there in the uterus where they belong.

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How does he heat his house?

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"for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Except for that brain part... not so good.

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