Just... can we PLEASE stop talking about Idiocracy? I was sick of hearing about it nearly 10 years ago when it first came out*, and that hasn't really changed since.

*10 years? Dang!

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The U.S. is running out of places I can go without feeling ashamed.

And we have another winner.

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Alabama and Mississippi are a lot like North Korea. I mean, think about it. No one every hears about them unless they set off a bomb. The only film footage I've ever seen from any one of those places is in black and white. And anyone who goes there never comes back, as far as I know.


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Buy low, sell high, I always say. I'm going to call my broker and see if any Abortionplex stock is selling cheap.

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It's always kind of interesting seeing the comment threads after the fact. It's almost forensic, like divining what happened from the scorch marks, scattered debris, and blast crater where the Orbital Ban Cannon struck what used to be a troll.

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I wonder if anyone has compared their guess as to what the troll said vs what we find out on Sunday from Dok Zoom

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If there were money in it the Repubs would be mandating faith-based, privatized abortion clinics in every state.

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One of my sisters has been to Mississippi and she said it was a real shithole. She couldn't get out of there fast enough!

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Who's been posting photos online of the outside entrance to my basement?!

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GOP dingbats admitting that their supporters are dangerous to young children.

My irony meter broke long ago, but I think this one's another off-the-scale reading.

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I wonder if the geniuses behind HB 183 know that:

1) Doctors who perform abortions are almost all OB-GYNs;2) OB-GYNs also deliver babies;3) Prenatal and delivery services are many times more expensive than abortions, and therefore presumably more profitable for the doctor.

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A person carrying a gun?

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"reasonable" is antithetical to the definition of troll. But I don't think it's too much to ask of our trolls to be better informed and clever.

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This particular case of dumbfuckery was featured as part of John Oliver's main story on last weekend's show too. More exposure of stupid stuff like this is a positive.

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Is there anything these Republicans touch that doesn't turn to shit?

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Here are the top three reasons for my burgeoning love for Jehovahs Witnesses'#3. They practice what they preach. They really do help old lonely people and single mom's etc.#2. They are nice to my door when it doesn't answer to their knoocks. And...#1. They DON'T VOTE! I wish all you religious nutbag fucks would follow their admirable example. Thank you.

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