lolzI didn't do it and I'll never do it againCan they fine him MORE lawyer fees for having to field this?

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Starting to wonder about those ethics he taught

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I mean, was he always this way, or did something break.?

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It’s a lot like a well-intentioned open heart surgeon who is being sued for malpractice.

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My guess: He was always this way but the Ivy credentials and a gift for bullshitting got him through.

Until now.

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It's a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trump Organization which is in turn a wholly-owned subsidiary of something, something that leads back to Putin.

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It's really too much fun to watch this asshole grovel.Hey, Dersh, we're tacking on another $100,000 to the settlement for being a constitutional asshole...

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As An Old, I am too senile and cranky and obnoxious and pervy and dishonest to be held responsible for my own actions which I took for money of counsel for Big Money defense?

That will get him back on the swanky invited list.

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Underpants not proven.

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Since at least 2005.

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Dersh may have “practiced law for many years without any sanction or ethics violation” in which case it is obviously high time he did.

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These pesky fascists have been walking around free for too long already.

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"OK, you caught me, I apologize -- we can change my punishment to just an apology, right? I'm such an elite that you can't possibly apply those sanctions to me, just because I attached my name to fraud. Sanctions are for little people."

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Does he not hear himself? I'm not even a lawyer but I'm rolling my eyes like that judge did.

Dersh still thinks he's the smartest guy in the room and can talk anyone into believing his ridiculous viewpoint.

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He thinks he's in a special class. "Lookit, I'm a Librul Democrat, whaddabout Martha's Vineyard, and I don't even agree with these fake electors and psychopath pillow salesmen whom I'm helping! Since I clearly don't believe what I'm flogging, you can't sanction me for it!"

He honestly seems to think that since he's not a "real" Trump supporter, the judge should just let him off... 🙄

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