As expected, they are starting to speak of Donald Trump as an actual suffering messiah or savior
They probably started much earlier.
Well Dershowitz's claim about prosecuting Trump being unBible-like is pretty much the sort of thing I would expect from a theistic "explanation" on any subject.
- Have a presupposed notion. Dershowitz presupposed that the judges are corrupt and the trial against Trump unfair. There's no explanation whatsoever HOW it is unfair apart from saying that Trump simply being on trial automatically means those things.
- Make unsubstantiated claims based on the above presupposed notion. The next obvious step. Make claims based on your presupposed notion that have no basis. It's simply saying what you believe without backing it up in any way. The claim is the most important thing here since such theists sometimes seem to thin that simply claiming stuff will automatically make it true since "God is obviously on their (and in this case, Trump's) side".
- Avoid actually nuancing or explaining the claim and circumstances surrounding the subject. The above 2 things would not even apply if Dershowitz had actually gone on to explain why his presupposed notions and claims are not simply baseless notions and claims, but can in fact be shown to be at least convincing or believable.
But that is exactly what Dershowitz doesn't do. This is a problem that is common to theists with regards to any of their deeply rooted beliefs. Because these beliefs are not only so apparent to them, but they cannot imagine these believes not being true, therefore they see no reason to actually explain and substantiate any claims made on such beliefs. If it's so evident to them, then this "Gospel truth" should be just as evident to any others, and thus any who deny such an evident "Gospel truth" are doing so willfully and dishonestly.
It's an extrapolation of the Romans 1:20 toxic verse about how God is apparent and evident in all creation (LOOK AT THE TREES!!!! PROOF OF GOD!) ad thus anyone who exists cannot possible deny God's existence, at least not deliberately and dishonestly, hence any and all unbelievers who do so are dishonest liars who KNOW God exists but are willfully denying God because they hate him (yes, some apologists will indeed confidently state that they know exactly what you think and feel in the deepest recesses of your subconsciousness better than you do, and they apparently think all unbelievers thin the same way too).
Of course it must be said that if they actually try to explain, the result may in fact be what they don't wish to see, so best they don't take that risk at all.
It's so bad that I've seen videos of Christians who confidently and smugly proclaim that they don't have to prove the existence of their God, it is unbelievers who have to DISPROVE heir God, because God is apparently a brute fact to them and so they think it must be the case in reality too.
As expected, they are starting to speak of Donald Trump as an actual suffering messiah or savior, and you just know they're writing fapping fan fiction about him rising again on the third day.
Along with the question of why Conservatives can't dress themselves, is there some reason they can't seem to get a decent haircut?
I tried to keep them straight by which one couldn't sexually excite his wife, but that didn't work.
And the day after tomorrow, it's your Uncle Charlie or your nephew or your niece.
Oh, that'd be nice. My uncle Charlie is a real asshole. And my niece and nephew, both also named Charlie, ain't no winners either.
Clinton and Lewinsky didn't involve hush money. That is Trump's problem.
Yeah, he pretty much pissed that whole "America's Mayor™" thing away, in exchange for a bit role in the PAB show.
I'm beginning to think he may not be the brightest crayon in the shed.
To be fair to the throwers of the right parties at Martha's Vineyard, at least they don't recognize his face. So that's Biblical, right?
That would let all Dick Tracey villains off the hook.
Creepy peeper Dershowitz doing his best impression of a bag of mixed nuts.
Let’s not lose track of who’s the REAL victim here!
As expected, they are starting to speak of Donald Trump as an actual suffering messiah or savior
They probably started much earlier.
Well Dershowitz's claim about prosecuting Trump being unBible-like is pretty much the sort of thing I would expect from a theistic "explanation" on any subject.
- Have a presupposed notion. Dershowitz presupposed that the judges are corrupt and the trial against Trump unfair. There's no explanation whatsoever HOW it is unfair apart from saying that Trump simply being on trial automatically means those things.
- Make unsubstantiated claims based on the above presupposed notion. The next obvious step. Make claims based on your presupposed notion that have no basis. It's simply saying what you believe without backing it up in any way. The claim is the most important thing here since such theists sometimes seem to thin that simply claiming stuff will automatically make it true since "God is obviously on their (and in this case, Trump's) side".
- Avoid actually nuancing or explaining the claim and circumstances surrounding the subject. The above 2 things would not even apply if Dershowitz had actually gone on to explain why his presupposed notions and claims are not simply baseless notions and claims, but can in fact be shown to be at least convincing or believable.
But that is exactly what Dershowitz doesn't do. This is a problem that is common to theists with regards to any of their deeply rooted beliefs. Because these beliefs are not only so apparent to them, but they cannot imagine these believes not being true, therefore they see no reason to actually explain and substantiate any claims made on such beliefs. If it's so evident to them, then this "Gospel truth" should be just as evident to any others, and thus any who deny such an evident "Gospel truth" are doing so willfully and dishonestly.
It's an extrapolation of the Romans 1:20 toxic verse about how God is apparent and evident in all creation (LOOK AT THE TREES!!!! PROOF OF GOD!) ad thus anyone who exists cannot possible deny God's existence, at least not deliberately and dishonestly, hence any and all unbelievers who do so are dishonest liars who KNOW God exists but are willfully denying God because they hate him (yes, some apologists will indeed confidently state that they know exactly what you think and feel in the deepest recesses of your subconsciousness better than you do, and they apparently think all unbelievers thin the same way too).
Of course it must be said that if they actually try to explain, the result may in fact be what they don't wish to see, so best they don't take that risk at all.
It's so bad that I've seen videos of Christians who confidently and smugly proclaim that they don't have to prove the existence of their God, it is unbelievers who have to DISPROVE heir God, because God is apparently a brute fact to them and so they think it must be the case in reality too.
YOU try being decently dressed and groomed, when every gay person in the country hates your guts.
I don't think so. But that seems to be the way the MSM and MAGAtry are framing it.
Where did that picture come from? It's really so terrible for all of us to see. Even old people are harmed, I'm pretty sure.
Gosh, do you really think so?
Thank you so much; we aims to please!
As expected, they are starting to speak of Donald Trump as an actual suffering messiah or savior, and you just know they're writing fapping fan fiction about him rising again on the third day.
They were doing that days ago.
Who else is going to dip their balls into punch bowls at parties on Martha's Vineyard?