Just about everything about Florida Democrat Alan Grayson's divorce from his wife, Lolita (yes really) has been gross and vaguely horrible, like the claim that he assaulted her (or maybe he didn't ) and his contention that their marriage was invalid from the get-go because she
You can send Grant all the dollars, just send Gleem all the pixx
Hold the Boil-ed Smoothie
Don't exploding gazongas ipso facto invalidate the marriage? Asking for a friend.
And you are the first to ever have searched on the phrase. Maybe Google has a trophy to award?
Clearly, something's leaked out of this marriage....
Bigamy is the generic, bigyny and biandry are the specific forms.
Likewise (and more fun): polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry.
Don't knock mosquito bites! Think of them as "concentrated".
"And when I got on the school bus..."
Brady inspected all lthe boobs in advance, and he didn't notice anything wrong.
"But, Alan -- you said you wanted a bigger me!"
"The Oozing Gazongas" would be a good name for a rock band.
Saving the boobies trumps all else!
FYI, Dok, according to the Google, you are the first person in Internet history to have typed the phrase "Oozing Gazongas".
Now I am SURE you are D.B.
NSIW worse than NSFW.