What the fuck is the matter with Alaska

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"I'm sorry if I offended you", is not an apology, even if it is on a cake. Of course, I would not eat that cake, ever hear about Moose Turd pie?

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It’s part of US America, so it is plagued with idiots.

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That is not one of those cakes we like

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OTish, finished review of Shatter Dead, now watching Meteor Man. Prob the most obscure movie I ever saw in a theater. Even at age 13 I was deconstructing this one.

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I was thinking the other day that Wonkette's writers are much more cynical than they used to be, but then, maybe I'm projecting. I feel more and more that the bullshit coming from conservatives is forming an insurmountable wall to progress, and I can't imagine anyone who has to write about it every day maintaining any optimism.Maybe there's an alternate universe version of America out there where the populace is getting smarter and agreeing more on basic facts proportionally to our drive in the opposite direction. Glass half full, in that case.

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She had to cross into Canada? Thank God she didn't have any socialism forced on her while she was there.

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Why reward her?

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Canada let her in???

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This is the same woman who spoke at the Anchorage School board meeting who said "she was more afraid of the vaccine, than she was of Covid".

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Nice!Try the "what is your name?" intimidation trick with people just trying to do their jobs!And follow it up with a shitty cake flavored with notpology.*eyeroll*

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We are all more cynical after 4+ years of T**** and the feckless GQP.smh

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I bet some Joe in private enterprise would fly her ass back and forth for $3000 each way.

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She had her fake vaccination card that she’s bragging about allegedly.

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Just wear a fucking mask! Goddamnit! Why is this hard for people?! Why the fuck are we still dealing with this stupid shit!? JUST WEAR THE FUCKING MASK YOU STUPID FUCKING FUCKS.

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Oh, my name? It's spelled gee, oh, eff, ewe, see, kay...

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