I visited Anchorage last month and I was blown away by the number of people sleeping on the streets. I cannot fathom anyone justifying a 90 percent reduction in homeless services
Too bad they didn't bother to ask whether the unhoused in Alaska even wanted to go (they don't). There's nearly 1,800 unhoused people just in Anchorage, a city of just 288,000 people. But it such a typical red state response — pretend it's not a problem, slash funding, and hope it goes away and/or find a way to blame it on the Democrats somehow.
Public Legal Notification: "Trump Train" has no connection with the Don Corneilius estate or any production company or entertainment entity associated therewith.
'Hitler “wasn’t just a lunatic who wanted to kill Jews” (yes, he was in fact)' Well, he did also want to conquer Russia, after all.
At least we know that Stitt will not be Trump's running mate.
FFS. Dunleavy has no spine and no balls, so he’s reduced to his purest form: a fangless snake.
This asshole was born and raised in Scranton PA.
I believe I speak for almost everyone living here ... please accept our apologies.
We are extremely sorry about that,
I apologize on behalf of California for the very existence of Kevin McCarthy. Repeatedly.
Doesn't Alaska collect a fortune in oil royalties?
My friend and his wife received a check from the state each year, even for his children.
However, nothing but cuts for Medicaid, the homeless, and education.
I visited Anchorage last month and I was blown away by the number of people sleeping on the streets. I cannot fathom anyone justifying a 90 percent reduction in homeless services
he also said if he lost the last election we'd need to investigate ranked choice voting. but he didn't... so no "investigation" needed. curious!
I also feel like we need to talk about this suit.
"Hitler was teaching people new skills"
I don't think it's fair to say that DeSantis doesn't have a personality. He does.
It's just that it's the personality of a white fascist asshole.
Man, that Cubas guy shows some cleavage, don't he?
And when these trials get going and his criming becomes extremely obvious, they're going to look like fools.
Because being unhoused in Alaska is no big, what with the balmy climate and all.
They have a plan for that — ship them to California (sadly not a joke): https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-10/la-me-alaska-anchorage-homeless-los-angeles
Too bad they didn't bother to ask whether the unhoused in Alaska even wanted to go (they don't). There's nearly 1,800 unhoused people just in Anchorage, a city of just 288,000 people. But it such a typical red state response — pretend it's not a problem, slash funding, and hope it goes away and/or find a way to blame it on the Democrats somehow.
Public Legal Notification: "Trump Train" has no connection with the Don Corneilius estate or any production company or entertainment entity associated therewith.
Another feckless Republican "leader," quelle surprise
Maybe he should try getting indicted or approximating a personality.
Only one of these things is possible in this reality
It's what all the cool kids are doing! /s