Oh, right. CORE endorsed Nixon. I had forgotten that whole sad story.

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He's the son of Roy Innis, who's been the head of the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Congress_of_Racial_Equality" target="_blank">Congress of Racial Equality</a> since 1968, and rapidly turned a venerable civil rights organization into something else entirely.

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Among the several areas where the Framers turned out to be insufficiently prescient (e.g., the evolution of small arms, and the disparity in population between large and small states), they certainly never visualized a world in which one can travel between any two states in much less than a day. Hence, it never occurred to them to <i>define</i> "Inhabitant", and, as you point out, that qualification really has no legal force.

As a practical matter, however, Palin would have to do quite a bit more than redirect her mail back to Wasilla. Alaskans are, for the most part, really proud of being Alaskans, and even those that still like her would not respond well to a remote control campaign. In particular, since there might well be a primary, she would almost certainly have to spend most of next winter in residence, or get beaten on by her primary opponent(s).

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Dag in the Australian sense? <a href="http://www.urbandictionary...." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?defid=1...">http://www.urbandictionary....

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Unless he's an NBA player?

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Stupid teatards! SarahPAC takes in millions, pays millions to political consultants, and Sarah Palin IS a political consultant.

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And to answer the obvious followup question, yes, the typo has happened. On multiple occasions, apparently. <a href="http:\/\/www.snopes.com\/inboxer\/outrage\/innis.asp" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/innis.asp">http://www.snopes.com/inbox...

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This would be good news for John McCain, if you define "good news for" as "someone getting what is coming to them by having to spend time with the thing they unleashed on the rest of us."

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I am glad I am not the only one who thought they saw that.

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Let me guess, she wants to be on the Intelligence Committee.

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Well, one, anyway.

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I'm just gonna repeat: I'm hugely in favor of these folks pouring every available penny into Sarah's PAC. Just as I applauded Adelson giving Rove $100 million of his hard-earned dollars. Money well-spent.

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Unless, of course, contact with her made him gay. Which we know can happen.

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They know that US Senators serve six year terms, right?

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Truly, this may be Begich's best hope. Even better than Joe Miller.

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