Oh HELL no, FFS!

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Yep, worshippers of mammon. Anything, repeat anything to make money is ok, just one condition : IOKIYAR! Only if you're a Republican.

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The lack of impulse control suggests some kind of frontal lobe anomaly. Probably a side effect of removing the UN mind control device with an electric drill.

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And naturally no one thought to examine his mental resources. Must have been a Retuglican judge.

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There is, but you'll probably have to purchase rat poison, as it's not typically found in most kitchens.

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"The return of man is here." Women promptly return "man" back to sender.

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And the POTUS is a big fan! Thanks, Republicans!

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Not to mention (although I'm about to) that the President (cough, gag, retch) also likes Bill O'Reilly. Why is the orange man drawn to people who manifestly should not be around children? Baffling.

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It actually needed a few drops of hot sauce to kick it up a notch.

And no, I'm not posting a picture of me shirtless. That will ruin appetites.

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Yup in the end "give us money". LMAO! Alex is great and has made public much of the government's shenanigans that taxpayers unknowingly fund. Alex has woken up millions of people and it is undisputable. The fact you are covering him says it all."Give us money". Yeah. Right. LMAO!

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Didn't some ridiculous character from some no-account hick town ("Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?") say that you cannot serve God and Mammon? On the other hand we have the word of models of decent, honourable behaviour like Jim Bakker and Pat Robertson that God approves of people being rich. If that Nazarene fellow came back now and went around doing and saying the same things he did in Tiberius Caesar's day, the above would be among the first to condemn him. Not the very first. That'd be Donald Trump. Especially on the grounds that, "What, he blasphemously claims to be God Incarnate? Deport him! He's not. I am. Bigly."

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And surrounded by a large crowd of noisy people who thunder the earth is flat, relativity was a Jewish Masonic conspiracy, evolution theory is a fraudulent excuse for atheism, freedom is slavery, love is hate, and nobody really has Christian religious faith if he or she believes the Crusades were a bad thing.

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I would like to think for the kids' sake that he isn't really their father and that his wife had the good sense to conceive them behind his back with someone smart, sensitive and considerate. I mean, cripes. Who'd wish Alex Jones's genetic heritage on anybody?

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See my comment above. Agree with you completely and hope for the kids' sake that she was unfaithful to him many times, with someone smart, sensitive and considerate, or even just physically attractive. That he's not really the dad of any of them. No decent human being would wish Alex Jones's genetic heritage on anybody.

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"Fools and their money are easily repeatedly parted."

Do I win anything?

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