Ronald Reagan deliberately underfunded the programs designed to help those released from mental hospitals adjust to the real world. He closed down the controlled warehouses for them, and turned the streets of our cities into uncontrolled warehouses.

For a bunch of people who are constantly whining about no free lunches, they're the first in line at the buffet table, shoving others out of the way to get there.

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Wow--gonna have to give the guy some points on creativity for this interesting blend of old conspiracy fears (U.S. out of the U.N.!) with new fears (robots are taking over!) If he'd just thrown in something about UFOs and aliens, preferably hermaphroditic, he could be up for a Nebula Award.

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Oh, I didn't know that. See, I'm not actually a gay, but they're so hip and fashionable right now...I'm ashamed of my lies...

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Boxer dog LIBEL!!!1!!!

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That's pretty much it - they don't get as big a charge out of dominating their toasters and vacuum cleaners as they do from dominating actual people.

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*villages all over world look off into distance and whistle disinterestedly*

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Is there a rule that if you want to be a right wing crackpot you're not allowed to speak in coherent sentences, and must instead sound like someone who filled out a Mad Lib without sufficiently understanding what nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are?

Also, points off for not finding a way to include Agenda 21 in this.

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All My Sins Remembered?

Also, I think my favorite Haldeman is Mindbridge.

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Rugs are probably low priority for disembodied brains.

Now, a really classy toupee....

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Oh, NO! Bummer.

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Yes! It's upstairs, mixed in with a thousand other paperbacks waiting for me to build shelves so that I can find one among the multitude. *sigh*

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Or the very weird Forever Free.

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This guy is Yosemite Sam without the good sense and restraint.

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What a wonderful ball of crazy this guy is

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are you sure he is not related to chuck jones? 'cause he reminds me of daffy duck.

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Well, it wouldn't work if you accept Marxian economic proposals that human labour is the source of all profit; robots are just intelligent machines and have to be used by a human being. However, creating a permanent massive underclass seems much more likely than wiping them out, because having a massive underclass scares the lower reaches of the privileged classes into conformity. (Which is why social inequality leads to social stasis.)

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