I hadn't thought about that before. But yes they would be. Ever read Jane Rice's scary story, "The Idol of the Flies", which features what must surely be the most evil kid in fiction? Maybe Pruitt didn't really die and grew up to be Alex Jones.

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They do not.

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"Archetypical Cocksuckers" would be a GREAT name for a Butthole Surfers tribute band, though.

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I read it on the intertubes, so it must be true.

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Alex Jones simply exists to make Glenn Beck seem normal by comparison. His shtick works on the aluminum foil hat crowd who subscribes to every manner of area 51 conspiracy between bites of little Debbie snack cakes and hot pockets. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/...

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Jones and Stone. Just a couple of alpha males who know a guy gay when they see one.

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'The Edge of Wetness' libels!

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As an 81-year-old I fully agree with you. Alex Jones is a genius. Or a genie. Or just a negative number in the world of knowledge.

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Danny Devito libelz!

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"Methinks he doth protest too much." Waaaay too much.

"Heat gettin' to ya, Alex?"

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My guess is that there were some self-identified Nazy scum who were insulted.

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"Well, our Jeezus got mad, too. Bet he said some nasty words when he drove them scheming Jooz outta that temple. And what'dya think he called them Romans!"

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Lot lizard libelz! Most LLs I've known (not professionally, now) had higher standards than Alex.

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I didn't click the link...I am not giving A. J. the satisfaction that he has reached me. I have seen nothing of value from the man ever and I am not about to continue searching his tiny little mind for something of value. I can do better than Alex Jones.

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That group of costumed men look like nice guys to hang out with when you're feeling down. They seem like they'd be there to pick ANY guy up off the ground; especially if he's in a new town! He wouldn't need to be unhappy, he could find a place to go when he's short on his dough and find many ways to have a good time, things for him to enjoy, while he hangs out with all the boys. He could get himself clean, have a good meal, and do whatever he feels.

Now, where might THAT place be? I'll bet ALEX knows!

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I'm sure someone else has already made this point, but I take issue with Evan's last line:

"Our bad, Alex Jones was right the whole time, said nobody ever, THE END."

At least ONE person has said that, and it's the current part-time occupant of the White House.

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