Every penny his goober fan base sends him should go straight into fund to compensate his victims.

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Minus one day, so he gets billed for the burial.

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Worse. Make it the same bridge Trump is under.

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I legitimately thought it might have been staged, and I stand by that and I don't apologize for it.

This is beyond SovCit nonsense.

I think something might be true so I said it was true, even though it was bullshit, so I get to fuck-off in mid-testimony?

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I, on the other hand, believe it.

The way he lives, he could be under 20.

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The fact that a thing might have been staged is in no way evidence that it was. It's just hot air.

Alex Jones might be a really nice guy. That doesn't mean he is.

And the Repubs might be a political party instead a cult, Nope.

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Trolls like to live under bridges.

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The beet extract sounds pretty good! I'll see if I can get it from Schrute Farms.

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Bloated bag of weasel piss libel, also too

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My kids (age 27 & 30) survived their formative years in the aughts and thrived despite having me as the lesser parenting half. I think the kids will be, as they say, alright.

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I'm pretty sure the Chinese don't want him, and dumping him in their country would probably be considered an act of aggression worse than Pelosi's provocation.

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How did liberals kill Iraqis ? The Iraq war was a conservative operation.

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The legal definition of insanity is the inability to distinguish between reality and illusion. Jones clearly meets or exceeds that definition.

In his divorce trial, Jones admitted under oath that he has been diagnosed with a mental illness that causes him to fabricate and spread bizarre, wholly fictitious conspiracy theories and outright lies.

His only defense here is that he is delusional and incapable of thinking coherently – and the court is allowing him to get away with this tactic as a legal defense. Just like the judge who allowed Fox to get away with its argument that it is merely entertainment and can't be held accountable for its fictitious programming because no one in their right mind could take it seriously or mistake it for reality.

You can't put an insane asshole on trial because you cannot rationally argue with irrational people. Jones and his moronic followers have weaponized insanity, incoherence and non-sequiturs as a political movement.

The right-wing has descended into plain madness, incoherence and lunacy. And until we find the courage and the compelling language to hold lunatics like Jones and his crazy followers responsible for their destructive actions, their insanity will spread like a disease until it destroys civilization.

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Jones is a pathetic little boy - apologies to little boys .

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a friend of mine "symbolically" shot reagan. only the poor teevee died.

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