People are DEFINITELY getting dumber. During the Gilded Age, the voters knew who the enemy was, and our fat cats are WAY fatter now than they were back then, and all these FoxNewsbots know to do is ask the plutocrats how long they would like them to polish their balls with their tongues. It's truly sickening.

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It is discouraging. It just makes me want to knock my head into the desk as hard as possible.

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Nobody seems to be the slightest bit outraged that war criminal George W. Bush's White House deleted TWENTY TWO MILLION EMAILS.

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I thought it was his finger.

Nah, his fingers aren't THAT stubby.

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Just take the stool softener, Alex. You look like you haven't taken a shit since the Ford administration.

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You may have been sitting next door to my next door neighbor. These people are so far in a bubble they aren't ever coming out. Sad.

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I'm always surprised when Alex Jones hasn't chewed someone's face off due to bath salt overuse.

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He also believes in aliens who anal probe us, it's fair to say he's a bit whacky.

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How can his very extended forehead be THAT red? Inquiring minds need to know.

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Why is there a photo of Archie Bunker on this article?

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I live in an overwhelmingly democratic city and county but the street I live on is littered up and down with Trump/Pence signs. Old white folks every one living in very nice brick homes. What they have to be angry about is a complete mystery. I can't wait for the fucking signs to disappear. The old turd directly across the street has not one but FIVE Trump signs. Damn near a fire hazard.

any time a drive by and see one of the neighbors in the yard I roll down the window and yell Make America Grope Again.

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I read somewhere that the average Trump voter makes $72,000 a year in household income. Where all this crap about "economic anxiety" is coming from I don't know. I know a woman who works for my local housing authority (aka 'the evil government') makes $52,000 a year, gets killer benefits, is collecting Social Security on top of that, is going to get a state worker's pension (if Republicans can figure out how to cut taxes AND raise the $20 billion they need to make the pension fund solvent) and is a Republican who wants to cut "entitlements." I said to her one day "the entitlements that Republicans need to cut to get rid of the national debt are Social Security and Medicare, so good luck with that."

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I think their mantra is : I got mine -- screw you.

Back when ACA was being debated a police officer client of mine, who was receiving top quality insurance fully paid for by the local taxpayers, told me what a horrible thing it would be for tax money to be paying for people's insurance. I said 'it seems to be working out pretty good for you.' I guess what he meant was that it was okay for other taxpayers to pay for his insurance, but it would be terrible if any of his tax dollars went to pay for other's insurance.

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I had a neighbor say to me years ago "Obama tripled the national debt." I said "you're wrong about that, he's added 30% to the debt, Ronald Reagan was the person who tripled the national debt, and GWB doubled it." He invited me to his home to Google the facts, and lo and behold I was right, so he changed the discussion to how it was horrible how the evil Obama wanted to give everyone health care that he would have to pay for. The guy doesn't have a job, so I asked "who pays for your health care?" He said "well, I was in the military, so the government pays for my insurance." I said "what war did you fight in?" He said "oh, I never fought." I said "then why am I redistributing my income to you with my taxes that pay for YOUR health care. Why aren't you paying for your own health care?" He said "well I risked my life." I said "I risk my life every day being a small business owner and job creator, so why do I have to pay for YOUR insurance, as well as my own?" Long story short, he started screaming at me to get off of his property because I was a communist. These people are truly to stupid, and angry, and ill informed to vote, much less own guns.

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what's even more frustrating is that info that passed through her emails wasn't 'classified' at the time. it was 'upclassified' after the fact. this aspect of the case has become almost completely obscured in the media reporting. it's like reducing the speed limit from 65 to 55 today, then going back and citing everyone who drove 65 yesterday.

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And, donut forget the hat:


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