I don't think the Professor had much of a wardrobe with him.

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Literally saw that already today


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Oh hell yeah!

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If there were even 2 people.

If I were a taxpayer there I would want a legit look-see by legit law enforcement.

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Zelda! Cute as a button but Dobie had eyes only for Thalia Menninger. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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A happy nice time ending would be the sheriff spending the next 10-15 years investigating prison food and accommodations.

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I liked Bob Denver better as Maynard than as Gilligan.

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"Now cut that out!"- Dobie, every time

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Same difference.

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The debate between Villanueva and Luna was last night. Villanueva came off as a total asshole. Fuck him. I'm voting for Luna.

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I read a long article about Villanueva awhile back (the New Yorker, maybe?) He sounds like a mob boss.

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Seriously, the sheriff took tapes of the

Dobie Gillis show?That alone should show the sheriff's incompetence.

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To be fair, Dobie Gillis was a much more credible scenario for his sitcom character than the utter surrealism of Gilligan.

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She was sharp then, but she seems so more mature and confident recently.

Will be old enough to run for POTUS in 2024, jus' sayin.'

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Yes, yes they did, my memory is there was a realy good coffee shop right across the street.

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