Mildly disappointed this article contained no pictures of John Rambo.

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The crossword puzzle's pretty decent, and the Sunday Book Review, but I usually fish those out of the paper recycling in my building because fuck giving those assholes any money.

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You are probably right Jen.

The Times undoubtedly earned the title as "the paper of record". Later it probably slowly regressed and we failed to notice the slippage.

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Note this is a similar "formula" by which Trump calculates value - seriously.

TRUMP: I got more than a million dollars, because they have tremendous promotion expenses, to my advantage. In other words, they promote, which has great value, through billboards, through newspapers, through radio, I think through television – yeah, through television.

And they spend – again, I’d have to ask them, but I bet they spend at least a million or two million or maybe even more than that on promoting Donald Trump.

LAWYER: But how much of the payments were cash?

TRUMP: Approximately $400,000.

LAWYER: So when you say publicly that you got paid more than a million dollars, you’re including in that sum the promotional expenses that they pay?

TRUMP: Oh, absolutely, yes. That has a great value. It has a great value to me.

LAWYER: Do you actually say that when you say you got paid more than a million dollars publicly?

TRUMP: I don’t break it down.


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You should have stipulated payment in Sorosbucks!

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Meme factory needs more Sorosbucks!

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Evan makes me laugh.

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I was WTF'ing over that, too. I mean, isn't it her jerb to get info? I get that the guy giving it could be in jeopardy but not the journalist receiving it? Did the WaPo investigate Woodward and Bernstein over Deep Throat, oh, hell no.

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Jackie Chan's Rumble in the Bronx was filmed in Vancouver, B.C.

Which was funny because there are all these *mountains* in the backgrounds of the outdoor scenes.

Cheaper insurance, I'm told.

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Somebody did not spend his Dukes / Smallville residuals wisely.

Either that, or he's just holding out on the ex and children to be an ass.

Probably the latter.

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Oh, word? How much did they give Trump?

Oh, they didn't do those calculations?

I'm betting Fox alone has given Trump that much.

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Or to Orange Foolius himself?

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Older Wonketeers may have other thoughts, but IMO the rot set in when Jeff Gerth's Whitewater reporting infected the NYT with Clinton Derangement Syndrome. It's gotten worse with time. Now they're printing Maggie Haberman's Trump-fluffing drivel like it's real news and writing the same article about "economically anxious" Trump voters (actually racist white people suffering extreme privilege distress after 8 years of That Black Guy as president) over and over.

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...a conspicuously orange child king with front paws the size of a kitten's and haunches like a hippopotamus

Great. Now I have "HHHHHhippo hhhhhuricane hhhhhhaunches!" spinning through my brain like a demented earworm. Thanks, Evan, ya bastid.

Well, Evan and my misspent cartoon-watching childhood.

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That is a fine analysis Edith. Thank you.

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Nor is the NYT even good enough for shredding and use as emergency cat box filler.

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