sounds like its just going to be a bunch of dudes talking about their "emissions"


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Ok, I'll be that guy, from the BBC this morning:Former UN climate chief Yvo de Boer, who ran global climate talks between 2006-2010, had this scathing assessment of America's previous record on the climate.

“I’ve still got the photograph on my desk of Al Gore signing the Kyoto Protocol in the full knowledge that he was never going to take it to the Senate,” he told the BBC, referring to an earlier global climate treaty, agreed in 1997.

“Then Obama signed the Paris Agreement, and Trump walked away. And now Biden's back and he thinks he can convene the whole world because he's the champion of climate action.”

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It being a Zoom conference, I'll be watching more with the expectation one of the world leader's spouses (or I guess paramours) or children will wander across the back of the shot naked. It's my understanding that's more the traditional thing for those.

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Let's hope they stay focused on solar and don't go all nocturnal on us.

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It's not like Berlusconi is coming to thing. He would be the odds-on favourite for own nudity on Zoom

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(It was the dog, honest.)I’m starting to think that there’s some kind of concerted effort to besmirch the character of Major Biden. Always negative press for that fella.

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"Daddy's busy darlings. Go out to Mommy."


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Ah, the before plague times

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At another virtual conference, so just ducking in and out. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... / we piggies love ducks.

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Just like is sez' in the Book of Isaiah. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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50% of 2005 emissions is still half as aggressive as Europe. I get it, it's probably 100% more than 60 votes in the Senate will agree with. So.

Kill the filibuster. Go for 50% of 1990 emissions. Somehow get China and India to start buying the newly cheaper electric everything. Oh wait, it will all be cheaper to buy new zero emissions everything.

Even that won't be enough. We need to remove 40 years of carbon emissions from the atmosphere, after we get to zero emissions globally.

We. Is. Fucked. Sorry, but it's true. Greta is the only sane fucker out there. The rest of us are idiots.

We all need to stop burning carbon TODAY. Well, 25-30 years ago, actually.


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Why does the man not do the sensible thing, which is pause and turn around and scoop up his child?

Is it because man?

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"Who forgot to take his Beano?"

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I remember this clip making the rounds. Freaking hysterical. His daughter wasn't really being a nuisance, she just wanted to be in there with her dad. The mom's commando crawl was great.

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