"on Jesse’s show the other night, he had a neat British psychic friends lady who did a tarot reading on Donald Trump" I am confused, I thought fox news style "Christians" believe that tarot is evil/pagan/satanism/witchcraft//devil worship. Is it ok though, as long as she predicts Trump will win?
When I was growing up in Knoxville, TN in the late 70s and early 80s, a local car dealership ran commercials where the spokesman had an eye patch. The ads were very attention-getting -- if the parents of a friend bought a new car, you'd ask if they got it from the guy with the eye patch.
Then, they ran an ad, someone noticed the patch has switched eyes, and they were forced to admit it was just for show and both of his eyes were perfectly functional.
Now, I am not IN ANY WAY suggesting Crenshaw's eye patch is phony -- he lost an eye in service to America and that's to be respected, no matter what his politics are. But I do think it's part of his "brand".
(Incidentally, at the same time, Knoxville TV also included some bat-poop insane commercials from Mad Jack Fielden's Furniture Warehouse Outlet. In one of his more restrained ads, after the car dealer's patch was revealed as phony, Mad Jack had patches on BOTH eyes, on the theory that if one is good, two are better.)
While I do not like Crenshaw's politics, he was a SEAL officer and I'm farily sure Watters would crap and pee his pants just being in the same room with him.
Practically everyone is wanting to use public domain Mickey to do something transgressive. Randy Milholland of "Something*Positive" fame (and lately the Sunday writer/artist for "Popeye") has decided to do a comic that sort of goes back to Mickey's roots, the kind of comic he wanted of Mickey when he was a kid.
In the last day, I've had a few people ask what I'm planning for this comic. Honestly? I just want to do a fun adventure comic. I am not interested in a hardcore, gritty, dark version of the characters - although I stand by my belief there was a dark tone to most early cartoons. Will there be dark moments? Yes. But I don't want to do what most people are doing and paint Mickey as a villain or have him go to "extreme" choices for the sake of, "Look, he's public domain now, I can have Mickey Mouse say and do shocking things."
Disney Comics were a huge part of my childhood reading. I still enjoy them greatly. So getting to work with, well, only a couple of the characters is nice. And I want to just tell fun stories. Will there be some darker tones? At times. Some horror? Everything I do tends to at least dip into horror, but I'd want it to be stuff appropriate from the 1920s.
He's posting it on Tumblr for now, if he finds a host he likes that isn't gunshy about The House of Mouse coming after them he might move it there for a wider audience.
I know Watters is being a jackass with his little "cartoon idea". But I just got hung up in the first sentence because NONE OF THOSE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!
I know, I know. I shouldn't put too much thought into the shit Watters says. He and his viewers certainly don't.
When. I was in high school 1980-84, we spent most afternoons at a game store for DnD in Sant Cruz CA. There was a note above the toilet that said "guys. If you can't hit the bowl, please SIT DOWN. Your mom does not work here."
True. When I was a youngster, in the dark hours of one night, I aimed at (and hit) the shower curtain. Mom was not best pleased. Sit the fuck down sometimes training for men is overdue.
It's true that Buena Vista Studio and Warmer Brothers Studio were both in Burbank during the Warner Bros. Termite Terrace period They were in fact not the same company and were competitors. There would have been lawsuits if characters from one studio appeared in the other's productions.
"on Jesse’s show the other night, he had a neat British psychic friends lady who did a tarot reading on Donald Trump" I am confused, I thought fox news style "Christians" believe that tarot is evil/pagan/satanism/witchcraft//devil worship. Is it ok though, as long as she predicts Trump will win?
"Everybody is going to hate this . . . ."
You know, after a few hours of reflection, I am still perfectly OK with these two smearing 💩on each other.
When I was growing up in Knoxville, TN in the late 70s and early 80s, a local car dealership ran commercials where the spokesman had an eye patch. The ads were very attention-getting -- if the parents of a friend bought a new car, you'd ask if they got it from the guy with the eye patch.
Then, they ran an ad, someone noticed the patch has switched eyes, and they were forced to admit it was just for show and both of his eyes were perfectly functional.
Now, I am not IN ANY WAY suggesting Crenshaw's eye patch is phony -- he lost an eye in service to America and that's to be respected, no matter what his politics are. But I do think it's part of his "brand".
(Incidentally, at the same time, Knoxville TV also included some bat-poop insane commercials from Mad Jack Fielden's Furniture Warehouse Outlet. In one of his more restrained ads, after the car dealer's patch was revealed as phony, Mad Jack had patches on BOTH eyes, on the theory that if one is good, two are better.)
While I do not like Crenshaw's politics, he was a SEAL officer and I'm farily sure Watters would crap and pee his pants just being in the same room with him.
I don't like Crenshaw's politics either but I also don't like the near deification of every Navy Seal,
Army Ranger and Green Beret.
Practically everyone is wanting to use public domain Mickey to do something transgressive. Randy Milholland of "Something*Positive" fame (and lately the Sunday writer/artist for "Popeye") has decided to do a comic that sort of goes back to Mickey's roots, the kind of comic he wanted of Mickey when he was a kid.
In the last day, I've had a few people ask what I'm planning for this comic. Honestly? I just want to do a fun adventure comic. I am not interested in a hardcore, gritty, dark version of the characters - although I stand by my belief there was a dark tone to most early cartoons. Will there be dark moments? Yes. But I don't want to do what most people are doing and paint Mickey as a villain or have him go to "extreme" choices for the sake of, "Look, he's public domain now, I can have Mickey Mouse say and do shocking things."
Disney Comics were a huge part of my childhood reading. I still enjoy them greatly. So getting to work with, well, only a couple of the characters is nice. And I want to just tell fun stories. Will there be some darker tones? At times. Some horror? Everything I do tends to at least dip into horror, but I'd want it to be stuff appropriate from the 1920s.
He's posting it on Tumblr for now, if he finds a host he likes that isn't gunshy about The House of Mouse coming after them he might move it there for a wider audience.
I know Watters is being a jackass with his little "cartoon idea". But I just got hung up in the first sentence because NONE OF THOSE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE PUBLIC DOMAIN YOU FUCKING IDIOT!
I know, I know. I shouldn't put too much thought into the shit Watters says. He and his viewers certainly don't.
Ta, Evan. Wow, some people actually listen to these creeps.
The stupid is strong with these guys....
Obviously those two need to engage in a slap fight TO THE DEATH
Seen on Twitter: Dogs get more useful information from sniffing each other’s butts than a human gets from Fox News
Dan is ready for Larf-Inn. Socket Toomey!
Dan is ready for Larf-Inn. Socket Toomey!
The best thing about rightwingers is that they’re all such assholes that they can’t stand each other. This is why watching them fight is so much fun.
Watters doesn’t even know that Wile E Coyote, Speedy Gonzales, and Elmer Fudd aren’t Disney characters.
Or still under copyright
He wasn't very bright as a child, either, it would seem
Astute comment of the day.
There is nothing wrong about sitting down to pee. I have bad aim and it avoids the whole forgetting to put the seat down issue.
When. I was in high school 1980-84, we spent most afternoons at a game store for DnD in Sant Cruz CA. There was a note above the toilet that said "guys. If you can't hit the bowl, please SIT DOWN. Your mom does not work here."
Yep, I sit down as well. Since the direction I point at isn't necessarily the direction things come out, I find it's much neater than spray-and-pray.
True. When I was a youngster, in the dark hours of one night, I aimed at (and hit) the shower curtain. Mom was not best pleased. Sit the fuck down sometimes training for men is overdue.
It's true that Buena Vista Studio and Warmer Brothers Studio were both in Burbank during the Warner Bros. Termite Terrace period They were in fact not the same company and were competitors. There would have been lawsuits if characters from one studio appeared in the other's productions.