Photo-finish if I ever saw one...

Never has an award been more truly deserved by so many.

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<i>He even did his part to protect Christmas from the imaginary war being waged against it,</i>

Here’s hoping that everyone had a Merry War on Christmas and a Happy and Joyous New Fecking Year.

Glad that’s over with, now where’s my cheap-shit Scotch at?

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<i>“I love it when people use children as props.”</i>

Dude is just like Santa Claus, only, you know, evil.

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This tinpot is really the santorum of the crop, though.

It's no small feat to stir up any feelings of gratitude for the 'legislators' here in Florduh.

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We've been saving up poop over in Wonkville all year (our version of a recycling drive minus the old newspapers or tin cans). Why stop at one shit muffin when we could probably bury his house up to the second floor...

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He's just pissed off that Manti Te'o stole his imaginary girlfriend

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Wow, I didn't think that any elected body could be more derpy than the NYS Legislature but now I see how naive that was. Politics in the Empire State is rife with petty corruption, exceptional vindictiveness and out of control <strike>spending</strike> sexting, but politicians here look like boy scouts in comparison to many of the examples cited in this space over the past year. And to be fair, Albany actually does A Good Thing every now and then, like passing a strict new post-Newtown gun control law in 2013, and setting up a very robust and a (mostly) efficient health insurance exchange.

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Shitmuffins of the Decade, easily..

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You miss by an inch, and all hell breaks loose.

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