Barn Owl Libels

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They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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My theory is that The Simpsons keep getting renewed because it's a way for Greta van Susteren to launder FOX funds to the Church of Scientology via Nancy Cartwright.

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He'll be dragged to the camps screaming "JEWS ARE WHITE! WE HATE MUSLIMS TOO!!!"

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The timing is particularly suspect - it was just after a golf outing with The Dotard. I think he may have shown Graham a folder on what the Russians and/or the Israelis have on him.

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Oh lordy, I hope there are tapes.

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Fking kapo.

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"And you evidently do not disagree, or you would have supplied a name."

I'm baffled by this, quite frankly. It's coming across a little hostile and I'm not sure if that was your intent. But, I'm not gonna submit to online interrogations, because why? It's not that serious. It's you who's disagreeing to agree with me, not the other way around.

*shrug emoji*

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He’s like a character in one of those early motion capture movies like The Polar Express. He’s the uncanny valley in the flesh.

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I apologize if that came across as hostile. However, I honestly do not see any decent thinkers left on the right. Ferchrissake, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are though of as "thought leaders".

I merely meant that you have done nothing to dispel that impression.

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Stephen Miller, of all men even in Trump's orbit the man with the deadest serial killer eyes, if we only count men in the U.S. and not Vladimir Putin.

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No worries.

Well, I feel like it's a mistake to think Hannity and Carlson aren't aware that they peddle bullshit. They're both smart enough to know how to manipulate a large group of people without telling the truth and without having it fully blow up in their faces (although hopefully that day is coming) . Still, they're both high profile hucksters who serve one purpose and a lot of the real strategizing comes from those less well known who serve another.

I just think there's a big difference between being dumb and being manipulative and dishonest or pandering to people's worst instincts. Very smart people do that all the time because the can recognize and exploit weaknesses. They don't care how their foot reaches your neck as long as it stays there. Just in the past 40 years, for example, they've been way more effective than they deserve to be with tons of bad ideas, but an effective machine supporting them.

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My middle school students don't care about secure borders, they are probably friends with some undocumented kids.

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I don't see how anyone who doesn't benefit directly from Republican policies would ever vote for them.

And by benefiting directly, I'm not counting racism. Assholes can be racist all they want on their own time. Benefiting directlly means money in the bank, and even these racist assholes can see that someone's taking more money out of their wallet.

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"That's why we always keep a river between us."


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I've readbl a lot over the past few months. There are a few Acts governing what 45 has done, which is illegal. As to the money, he can't just yank money from anywhere he wants. He can only touch money that is in a fund specifically for a wall. That doesn't exist. I also read he can only touch money that is not attached to any project. That's fact. No way will he build a damn thing. Also, he can't take citizens property under NE. He can only build on land owned by the govt, specifically the military & nowhere else.

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