Oh you have no idea just how dumb she is!! And I caught your snark. I answer her sarcastically all the time, but she doesn't catch it, she thinks I'm agreeing with her.

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So now the liberals and blacks are going to bed f'g lecturing me about being thin skinned after constant and endless 24/7 horseshit about "racism" and "white privilege" and "microagressions" and whatever other bs newspeak words they invent! Kiss my ass! I went in to sams club last week and turned in my membership card and got my years dues refunded no questions asked. You don't like white men, bitches, you don't need white customers. The dump is half empty already. I hope it goes belly up.

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I like the rabid howler monkey part. It fits perfectly.

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It makes one wonder how many times he has let it go on.

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Jeez take a joke. You people are so sensitive.

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Lol!!! This shit is too comical... wow... smh

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Even if it was true. I doubt it was. People have the right to say as they wish. We became a world of saying just hello can mean all sorts of things from the tone of your voice. Bottom line people do not have to like people due to skin tone creed or sex. It's freedom of choice. Freedom of speech. Now I know some will say omg did you hear John Davis omg . When in fact all I said was people have the freedom to choose and say what they want. What I do want to know is why did that white guy have shit. Yes I said shit on the back of his pants in the store . And I'll say this as well. What the fuck was he thinking before he went shopping in public.

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this is the problem with you socjus clownshere this guy is, genuinely agreeing with the article and your position, while also asking for things to be an equal playing field regarding bigotry

yet still, you instantly resort to building a strawman and attacking said strawman, and in the process you a mischaracterizing him, his position, and subsequently attacking his character, based on absolutely nothing, other than the fact that you are jumping to conclusions about his worldview.

that was the sole basis for your attack, and btw, he wasn't saying black people use racism as a "race card", you disingenuous asshole, he was saying he thinks bigotry should be a two way street, which it is. god forbid anyone ask a question or have their own thoughts on the matter.

this is why I say fuck you all, there is no appeasing social justice warriors. you're like religious goons, the more you concede to the SJWs, the more they demand.

oh and if you know the main contributor to this "site"tell them that I'm greatly offended that they would appropriate socialist propaganda and ideals to promote their commercial media outlet. it's blatant hypocrisy for someone to use socialist propaganda for self-promotion, and as someone who believes in social economics, I find this hypocrisy to be a disgrace and an insult to my belief systems, especially regarding economics and monetary exploitation, but I guess hypocrisy isn't a problem when you're a brainwashed hipster with a communications degree.

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I would try to digest your word salad, but i think you forgot to wash the lettuce first (also it seems you overdid it on the vinegar there, buddy.)

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The rage threshold was passed the minute you mentioned "black female CEO." She could have said "Free semi-automatic with every six-pack of Bud Light. Aisle seven" and the rabid howler monkeys still would have been frantic.

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I'd never seen it before. Can't say I'm sorry.

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They are trying to forget?

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It makes perfect sense. But you need an English to Wingnut translator to understand the real true facts.

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Those poor, poor, discriminated against white men...

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I'm so happy this article exists

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