a literate man understands the functioning of the state, and a mouth-breathing demagogue does not? big surprise.

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"Only the little people pay taxes," said shriveled vag-face Leona Helmsley, on her way to prison. You're right. It is seen by lots of folks as a form of theft. Total logical disconnect, of course, but there it is.

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Is "mouth-breathing demagogue" a genus or a phyla?

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Difficult to Overlook a guy who's willing to pay a Lot.

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On top of taxes, King and his family have donated to so many charities and they are well liked and respected among people who read. Remember, it was a 3-way race for governor each time LePage won. Most of us didn't want him in that office.

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If there's any election fraud going on, it's perpetrated by Rethuglican election office workers.

"Voter fraud" is bullshit. "Election fraud" is very real. And nearly ALWAYS perpetrated by Rethuglicans.

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Yep, he's really Shining a light on LePage....

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Good for him. I know SK gets some grief from the literary types for being too popular (!) but his books are damn good. I didn't like the Under the Dome miniseries though.

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Dok -- vis a vis Roxanne Quimby: google Burt's Bees

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He and his wife already have a place in ... drumroll ... Floriduh. In fact, his wife is apparently on the hook there for not paying property taxes.

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I want him back as a zombie. BTW, fun fact: A then-grad student in history at UMaine who consulted on "Gettysburg"? Currently heading the Maine dept. of education, appointed by (drumroll) Gov. LePew.

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No apology for lying? Figured.

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Republicans don't apologize for lying that would require too much work from them.

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Voter Id laws do not protect anyone from election fraud that actually happens which based on the news cycle is mostly republicans.

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He's a selfish, Needful Thing, full of Misery and acting out of Desperation. He refuses to Carrie his own weight and deserves a kick in the Tommyknockers.

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They do... And his characters gladly pay their taxes, except for the bad guys. And the reanimated cats....

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