2 many hawt pixxx of naked gay Scott Brown on Twitter whut??!!?!
But used more a unit of measure of jizz, maybe? "Man, that is like 6 Fernstroms in that gross old condom laying on the sidewalk"
<i>Romney strategist Eric Fehrnstrom</i>
sounds pretty <i>german</i>, no?
and you know who ELSE was german?
In flyover country it&#039;s more like &quot;If you can&#039;t stand the sadistic bullying, get out of existence&quot;.
Aw, now, Jeff&#039;s done some good things too...
&quot;if you can&rsquo;t stand the tweet, get out of the kitchen.&rdquo;
No, Eric, it&#039;s the TWIT we can&#039;t stand.
That&#039;s because us libruls don&#039;t bother getting married -- at least not for the first 10 years.
We have nuts at our place every weekend.
BL: Well played! I&#039;m dropping Charlie from the list and adding Jeff.
And the key ingredient: NOT ALIVE
(uh, with votes?)
too stupid for real life...guess I&#039;ll start a band.
Conservatives and humor go together like mustard and ice cream.
Seriously - if you want to cringe, watch, listen or read a right wing nut trying to be funny.
Reminds me of the evening Johnny Carson just couldn&#039;t get his audience going.
&quot;Should we bring out a fat guy and shoot at his feet?&quot;
CW: Perry may take the lead, but Romney takes the nomination. The GNoP always takes the most corporate candidate.
Or, &quot;Who knew there was anything wrong with watermelon jokes? My family has been telling them for years.&quot;
No doubt, something good about Duh Guv&#039;Nor.
I believe that is usually spelt &quot;laff.&quot; Just in case someone doesn&#039;t get the joke.
But used more a unit of measure of jizz, maybe? &quot;Man, that is like 6 Fernstroms in that gross old condom laying on the sidewalk&quot;
<i>Romney strategist Eric Fehrnstrom</i>
sounds pretty <i>german</i>, no?
and you know who ELSE was german?
In flyover country it&#039;s more like &quot;If you can&#039;t stand the sadistic bullying, get out of existence&quot;.
Aw, now, Jeff&#039;s done some good things too...
&quot;if you can&rsquo;t stand the tweet, get out of the kitchen.&rdquo;
No, Eric, it&#039;s the TWIT we can&#039;t stand.
That&#039;s because us libruls don&#039;t bother getting married -- at least not for the first 10 years.
We have nuts at our place every weekend.
BL: Well played! I&#039;m dropping Charlie from the list and adding Jeff.
And the key ingredient: NOT ALIVE
(uh, with votes?)
too stupid for real life...guess I&#039;ll start a band.
Conservatives and humor go together like mustard and ice cream.
Seriously - if you want to cringe, watch, listen or read a right wing nut trying to be funny.
Reminds me of the evening Johnny Carson just couldn&#039;t get his audience going.
&quot;Should we bring out a fat guy and shoot at his feet?&quot;
CW: Perry may take the lead, but Romney takes the nomination. The GNoP always takes the most corporate candidate.
Or, &quot;Who knew there was anything wrong with watermelon jokes? My family has been telling them for years.&quot;
No doubt, something good about Duh Guv&#039;Nor.
I believe that is usually spelt &quot;laff.&quot; Just in case someone doesn&#039;t get the joke.