Love also means never having to say, Excuse Me. At last I think that's how it goes.

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didn't that dude Abraham get some divine inspiration ( or a moment of clarity ) before he sacrificed his kid? - and look at that fiasco - the bible i think it's called

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and or related to them

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So this isn't the wry reboot of PORKY'S?

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OT but in a similar vein is this story of the rich young man from Switzerland who torched his own Ferrari because his daddy wouldn't buy him another one.


I think it's high time for the old man to put his foot down, lest his son become a spoiled snot. From now on, let the kid buy his own luxury cars with money from his own trust fund.

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Ah, those heady days of high school tomfoolery. I am reminded of my 4H project on animal husbandry. We proved the impossibility of inter-species procreation and I'm proud to say we won the blew ribbon.

Strangely, even with our success, we were not invited back to 4H in the following year. It was truly unfair to blame us for the pig. I still contend that that poor animal had other issues and we can not be held responsible for its actions.

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Big deal - I know of some people who are willing to trash a whole planet which they swear their god gave them.

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Old Joke: Q: Why are university politics so vicious?A: Because the stakes are so small.

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He's an Andover man not a Bendover man.

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Two World Series of Poker winners? Well, fuck, it can't be true. Can their be a higher standard of moral integrity? I think Pope Francis was a World Series of Poker winner.

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And at least one Pre-school

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None. Dudes don't need them.

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My Sammy haz no babbies to carry, but he makes up for it by bringing favorite toys great distances to lay at my feet, put in my computer chair & on my pillows. Thanks! I reeeely needed that break.

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Puleaze, do not defame Meows everywhere.

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Jesus it's my favorite!

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