We overthrow the government all the time. With pens. (And votes)

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Yes yes, nothing says "rule of law" like mobs of armed citizens threatening insurrection if the duly passed laws of the land are enforced in a manner consistent with their plain language.

Wait, what?

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Non Sequitur ain't just a country in Central America.

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Anytime I hear that bullshit, I propose that Obama should get votes only from Americans who've experimented with drugs. That always shuts the fuckwits up.

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<i>"Gun ownership is a symbol of <a href="http:\/\/cdn.motinetwork.net\/imsogangsta.org\/gangsta\/1012\/wife-beater-gangsta-gun-fun-gangsta-1293055334.jpg" target="_blank">American freedom and rule of law</a>." </i>

-Johnny Libertard

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Trying to ride a fixie down the Rockies will probably give you several breaks.

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The wingnutz are very respectful of the "original intent" of the Founding Fathers, which was that all <strike>citizens</strike> white men have the right to bear arms.

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So ... the only way to stop a democratically elected good guy with no gun is with a bunch of bad guys with guns.

Also, the only way to open a jar of olives is with a good guy with a gun.

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I think that Johnny Liberty's main fear is that Obama will hold the gun sideways.

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Hey, this "we can assume" game is fun!

We can assume Ronald Reagan spent WWII making films for the Army because the brass knew he'd surrender to Hitler at the first opportunity.

We can assume Mitt Romney did not join the military (like is father before him and his sons after him) because he hates America.

We can assume John Liberty is projecting.

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If we could compare the gibberish written at RedState with the gibberish written by a thousand monkeys locked in a room with a thousand typewriters fueled by laxative laced bananas I would postulate that the RedState gibberish would still stink more than whatever is in the monkey room.

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You would think that at some point, there must be a fatal level of stupid. We don't know what that level is, but interested scientists ought to be monitoring this guy.

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Pure statistics heavily favor the monkey room.

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