Okay, happy British Muslims. Okay.

But, a happy British Muslim <i>hipster</i>?? They may have gone too far.

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I sang this comment quietly to myself in a Monty Python voice. That made it less scary.

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So should willful blindness. And stupidity.

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No. It's the Supreme Court.

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I remember that whole clusterfuck, it seems so far away now. It was pretty fuckin bold to just say, 'yeah, we're gonna give our ports over to foreign companies' as if that has ever been a good idea. Wasn't that how that damn Trojan horse got in in the old story?

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B Barry Bamz has fooled them once again and Allen West and the rest of the right was too fucking stupid to see it coming.its like taking candy from a baby,you raise hell about something and they will pass a law going just the opposite which is what you really want.I got all my right wing nut friends all tore up they think the Muslins are going to finance an election now that the scous has passed unlimited spending I told that was just what Obammmy wanted and he is going to run again and win with Jihadist cash and they believe me,"fucking rubes"

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Ahem... SEC football IS our predominating religion & is way more betterz:

1. We collect way moar munez than the church; 2. We have a significantly higher participation rate amongst the population; 3. Higher attendance on the most holiest day of the week = Saturday; 4. We pray waaaayyy harder for our blessed QB's; and also too 5. Pray at the porcelain throne because tailgating is not for ye of weak faith or inability to hold ye likkerz.

This public service announcement was brought to you by the Gator Nation.

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Imma let you finish but any Kardashian has a better all time record than Allen West.

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Well duh... Lieburul commie nzai socialyst fascysts write the textbooks to indoctrinate AND recruit.

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Only 34? What is their definition of "politically motivated"? AQ doesn't kill just for political reasons; it's also based on social & religious ideology.

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It's (I hope) a sign of genuine improvement that in Florida (<a href="http:\/\/www.nbcmiami.com\/news\/local\/Edward-Cocaine-Name-Drug-Charge-Florida-Video-Judge-Hurley-Watch-Broward.html" target="_blank"><i>Florida!</i></a>) Allen West, Professional Token Black Friend/Retired War Criminal, was only given one term in public office, then politely shown the door.

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<i>That’s right, to institutionalize policies that favor them.</i>

You mean like handing all of our ports over to them for management? Which would have given them unlimited control of everything shipped into and out of our country? With no internal security oversight by our government allowed? Like Chimpy W. Boosh wanted to do? And all the RWNJs were screaming "dirty commies, contracts must be honored" at Dems for wanting to block it? You mean like that?

Didn't think so.

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Fox & Friends: the "We've just Bitten a Turd (again) edition."

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Woah! Disenfranchised, marginalized, discriminated group plans to mobilize and do something about it with ACTUAL votes (and not even the kind we would comment about in the Wonketariat, if allowed). Consider my mind blown.

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"Fox and Friends" sounds like the title of a compilation of imaginative fictional stories to entertain small people whose brains aren't quite developed, but instead it is the title of …

Oh, wait.

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It's just like Tammany Hall!

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