The military apparently taught Allen West conflict resolution real good, since his latest grasping ploy to end 9/11 amounts to telling Islam (which did 9/11) more loudly that Allen West does not care one bit for 9/11 (which did Islam).
They haven't heard what he's going to say, but they've got a "rebuttal" scheduled already. That pretty much says it all.
Yeah, but Adam is all..."whatever, pass the spliff."
You can use a 2x4 Sword of Home Depot for all I care.
I don't like my chances, even if we do convert...
Those jokester Mormons ... always making stuff up. As if they were a real religion or something.
As for the WWJD biz, I&#039;m not exactly &quot;in&quot; it -- but <u>somebody</u> has to short the market.
So does he hate the Japanese as much as the Islams?
I see a buncha pantywaists running on the Gooper ticket.
She doesn&#039;t even <i>need</i> a subject!
Never forget the Battle of Kosovo! <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
Or as long as we are hatin&#039; on a &quot;they&quot;, remember who kicked British ass during the First Zulu War. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
OT, but awesome &#039;shop. <a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
i wish people like this would just go away or i could move to canada.
I wonder how many hit points he thinks he has.
You mean, like, forgive the Catholics for the Oklahoma City bombing?
They haven&#039;t heard what he&#039;s going to say, but they&#039;ve got a &quot;rebuttal&quot; scheduled already. That pretty much says it all.
N.Z. is probably up to something ... we should do a Cheney on &#039;em and strike pre-emptively, just in case.
Forgive? Hell no! I mean, what would Jeebus do? Huh? Wait... no, really?
It&#039;s the smell of napalm in the morning that brings it all back.