So what'll we do when Spanky2B or whatever Trolly's name is comes around?

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Bacon's not halal, wouldn't work.

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I like my terra cotta tiles, you wanna make something of it? Cause if you do, I have a couple spare boxes...

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Shit, I never knew what the H in Jesus H Christ stood for! Knowledge is power.

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Reality? I don't see the connection. Are you posting to the right thread?

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you know who ELSE feasts on tuna???

my cats.

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Rookie counterintel error!

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Certainly tongue sammiches should be included?

And is it just me, or did Wonkette get rid of the "downfist" button?

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why don't i ever get off my ass and snark out these fools? it sounds like a lot more fun than looking for a job.

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You forgot "derka derka derka!"

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A <i>59</i> year plan? Why 59 and not 55 or 60. Do they have an actual date? Hmmm, moot point cuz in 59 years I'l be :::let's see, add 10, carry the one::: dead.

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don't forget "feasting on beef, turkey and tuna sandwiches,"

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I'd be more impressed if they linked the Muslim Brotherhood to Kevin Bacon in less than 6 steps.

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don't forget typing sound effects

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