Thank whatever gods you believe in that you weren't a math graduate student subjected to the Moore method. The professor sits and smiles beatifically while the students, forbidden to read any of the literature, instruct one another. One story has it that a student, after four years of this, triumphantly discovered something that was a great advance when Poincaré came up with it in 1895. Probably apocryphal, but having suffered through one course taught this way I'm prepared to credit it. Turned me right off student-centred learning.

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We love our Democracy, we're crazy about it. We eat it's ass, okay? And then it goes and farts in our faces. Democracy is a bitch, is what I'm trying to say.

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Ah, you left out the most apt bit!

Though Allen at his end <i>knows</i> dark is right, And though his words have screwed the poochie, he Does not go gentle into that good night.

Wild man, who tried to claim that black is white, And learned, too late, sane folks don't think that way, Please, get the fuck out into that good night.

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It ain't over 'til K-Lo sings!

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...whose full title is "convicted felon Oliver North." But yep, there he is. Geraldo's a veteran/war hero in his own mind, as well.

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Where is <a href="http:\/\/static.flickr.com\/38\/112509560_39b538d8f8.jpg" target="_blank">she</a> when we need her most?

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Allen West will not go gentle into that good night Wingnuts will burn and rave at close of day He'll rage against the dying of the light.

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As in all other things, IOKIYAR, of course.

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It's okay when a Republican does anything. <i>Anything.</i>

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Rafalca? How could you!

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<a href="http:\/\/www.thepaltrysapien.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/01\/abu-ghraib-tm.jpg" target="_blank">Anything.</a>

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However he did win the "Guy who would be in a straight jacket if he wasn't a congressman" prize hands down.

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Somebody (Tony Kornheiser?) called her "the prom date from hell."

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Peace of mind Sleep Gray hairs Sanity Faith in the system Patience ...oh, you mean money? Yeah, probably around $200,000, I'd guess.

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Is there even one person on Fox who's ever served in the military? Or are the wings of a chicken hawk the only rank one needs?

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