Mitzvah, mikvah...mah nishtana?

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Warning: Guitar Porn Ahead

I guess I'm piggier than thou. I have 7.

Godin SD electric Taylor 6 acoustic/electric Taylor 12 A Regal with a Shatten active pickup. Yes, the pickup is worth more than the guitar, but when I plug it in with a little distortion, it sounds feckin' awesome A 30 year old Takemine "Lawsuit Model" Acoustic/Electric 6 A Epiphone SG that I found in a dumpster! A Takamine bass.

I had the same trouble with Strats...they just weren't comfortable for long periods of playing.

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"didn't think"

'nuff said.

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Holy shit! You ARE my ex-wife. Only she would know about the rule about caps after an exclamation point.

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Holy shit...are you my ex-wife? She would go on about stuff like this. She even translated Beowulf for a class when we were in college. (I think she rooted for Grendal)

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Maybe if the dude rockin the Kid hair don't had stuck around work, instead of heading off after his speech like his flippin burgers shift was over, he would have heard the lady from Florida make the speech instead of just hearing about it.

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The Lady Chablis, the drag queen from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

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What kind of guitar, weej?

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Holy jumping on hot pavement Christ! I knew this guy was a douche but I didn't realize how much of a douche he is. People actually elected this neo-fascist bully?

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I'm sorry, weejee, I'm Wonk-fail on this. Verily, however, my quadrapedal child doth have greater faculties and exponentially more kindness than fucking-shit-for-brains West.

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I believe bougie is still in use, at least in certain portions of/circles in the south.

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Does it matter? Me thinks not so much among the closeted rethug crowd.

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"It's as if people are being systematically mistaught."

Well yeah. The people are being systematically mistaught because stupid people are easier to control.

(btw...you must have hated the Shakespeare mashup thing I did.)

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True story: Debbie's family are actually Mormon, not Jewish, and wanted to get into the theme park game in Florida. They changed their family name to be taken more seriously in the Sunshine State business community.

Their name used to be "Wasserpark-Shpritz."

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LOL...thank you.

Small nit: "Thy" in the second sentence should be capitalized.

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WHY? are so many republican women like that woman in the picture: large, pink, pursed lipped and badly dressed?

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