Good luck to him! It's always good to test one's limitations.

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Think tanks are like retirement homes for people who don’t like to use their brains.

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Because when I think of a place for sane, moderate and reasonable thinking deep in the heart of Derpistan is where I want to be.

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<i>"“It will be policy, not politics that secures a sound economic future for Americans..."</i>

Obviously he hasn't been paying attention to what Alan West, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin™ and the other Reptards have been saying for the past six years.

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Like <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bolo_\(tank\)" target="_blank">this</a>.

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Watch out EQ. We may have to put an "R" after your name.

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You know, when West's masturbatory fantasy emails to his wife from the combat zone were publicized, I was sympathetic, thinking that a man far from home and family needs something to motivate himself every day. I might have written a few sexy-time letters (this was long before your fancy "email," Youngs) to my wife in those days too, come to think of it. What I wrote might not have been Nobel Prize material either, nor would I have liked it publicized any more than West probably did.

But now I'm thinking: fuck this guy.

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This is good news for Florida.

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So you're saying it's a front for Disney?

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Texas is the center of the independent nation of Texas, which exists only in the hearts of Texans, and the hopes of everyone else.

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Since the Republicans took over, I'm considering cutting down to only a Tuesday-Thursday American.

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Wait, now I'm all confused.

Is it 'an organization that issues policy papers and editorials,' or is a think tank the part behind the bowl that makes it flush?

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On the plus side, he has some limited experience with tanks, having seen one once. Also in his favor, there's little evidence he has ever thought, so he should be a pretty good fit for the new digs.

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