There was a time when I subscribed to the WSJ for the news section.

I think. It was a long time ago.

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Gather ye rosebuds while ye blather?

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"Not ME!"

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Tube worm libel!

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His mansion is hyperconnected, dontcha know?

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When you put on the nose It grows and grows.

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Matched the description and arrived promptly, but broke almost immediately. Also, jesus h. christ, what an amazing waste of excess packaging.

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Just remember: Abraham Lincoln didn't die in vain; he died in Washington D.C.

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Is he showing a lack of intelligence? Err.

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And free standard shipping!

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The only way he can prove his Americarnality is if he shipped his warehouse operations to some American "protectorate" in the Pacific Ocean.

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Has Richard Cohen applied quill to foolscap over this yet?

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It's the implied Akbar that does it.

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Sorry. bobbert's corollary to Em's Law is never, ever click on a Reason linkie.

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I can hardly wait for the introduction of WaPo Prime™.

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Super saver shipping when you buy more than $25 worth of news.

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