I expect that the opening statement Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch released to be included in the next edition of Norton's Anthology of American Political Thought. It's what an American patriot sounds like.
Also, for the last time, you Republican halfwits, the impeachment proceedings in the House are NOT a trial. The trial happens in the Senate, where you'll shirk your responsibilities to the country by not finding Drumpf guilty.
Yes. I wrote that before I heard about the Yovanovitch testimony or before it happened. Time is becoming weird interlocking spirals for me. 🤪 Bill Tyler. Yesterday journalists and lawyers were saying now that there’s been a couple whistleblowers there might be a big flood of them. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
Yes, Devin, it's a "show trial" because it will show all the ways trump has broken so many laws, and all the ways he has obstructed the legal Congressional investigations into his lawbreaking. That's what you meant by "show trial," wasn't it Devin?
I expect that the opening statement Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch released to be included in the next edition of Norton's Anthology of American Political Thought. It's what an American patriot sounds like.
Marie Yovanovitch is a total badass.
Is "in a pine box" an option?
Also, for the last time, you Republican halfwits, the impeachment proceedings in the House are NOT a trial. The trial happens in the Senate, where you'll shirk your responsibilities to the country by not finding Drumpf guilty.
Maybe it's the sleep deprivation that's at fault for the unhinged calls.
And Drumpf is up Putin's ass. Russian nesting dolls from hell.
Right out of Central Casting...
Yes. I wrote that before I heard about the Yovanovitch testimony or before it happened. Time is becoming weird interlocking spirals for me. 🤪 Bill Tyler. Yesterday journalists and lawyers were saying now that there’s been a couple whistleblowers there might be a big flood of them. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
at some point the dam will break and everyone will rush forward to offer up their testimony,
Pete Sessions??!!??!!!??? Talk about the constantly resurfacing turd in the punch bowl,
I'm so old, I saw that movie at the State Theater, on Main St. Not even kidding! Not letting on which town, either.
Always. I actually had a little daydream about that last night.
Benghazi and Obama's long-form birth certificate, on the other hand.....
Late-night phone calls to... Sean Hannity?
Yes, Devin, it's a "show trial" because it will show all the ways trump has broken so many laws, and all the ways he has obstructed the legal Congressional investigations into his lawbreaking. That's what you meant by "show trial," wasn't it Devin?
In the age of the Internet, be careful what you ask for. This heifer will ruin my dreams for years to come. I just hope she can't talk.