Hey, don't forget the time they shut down the government, and put us into a second mini recession when the economy was still incredibly fragile. They would rather have had a full blown depression, so they could say "see, Obama is a communist Muslim dictator," rather than get off their dumb asses and try to fix what they'd already broken, and/or give Obama any kind of victory.

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I asked her once "you had 8 years where you completely controlled the government, and you were handed a golden economy in 2000, so why do you think things ended so horribly for Bush?" She said "we didn't have enough time." I said "to do what? Cause a full blown depression?" Republicans are the most thick headed people I've ever seen, they won't even believe their own eyes after they caused a complete financial collapse.

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You, and quite a large section of the adult population of America, also got really lazy from 2008 to 2011.

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I respect your anonymity, and I was wondering if it was construction.

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Yeah, but older generations manage to extract a lot more money than they put in, so technically they are mooching, especially with Medicare since they paid so little for health care in the 1950s and 1960s.

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No. SSI is meant for people who are too permanently disabled to ever be able to work long enough to qualify for even minimal Social Security benefits. If, say, you became disabled at a young age and were thus unable to even begin a working career, you would likely qualify for SSI. Also, you cannot receive benefits under someone else's SSI claim. It doesn't work that way. You cannot declare someone else as a co-beneficiary and have them receive a benefit based on your account in that program because you don't have an account, you have a case. SSI isn't a benefit distribution, but a straight income supplement from the Federal government.

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The legendary quote actually referred to "a billion here, a billion there, ..." but Dirksen never actually uttered it. He did say, "Oh, I never said that. A newspaper fella misquoted me once, and I thought it sounded so good that I never bothered to deny it."

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Hell no. A wad of chewing gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe would be better than that.

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It will come soon after we all start begging for a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

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Maybe the rules changed along the way? My husband received SSI when his father died in the early 1970s. I think that was capped at his reaching majority age/18.

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This home page contains links to detailed information about the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, which is what I am talking about. In order for children to receive SSI they must be blind or disabled. SSI is a program that is administered by the Social Security Administration, but otherwise it has absolutely nothing to do with what most Americans think of when they see the words "Social Security."

SSI is a government-funded means-tested program providing a basic income supplement or support for people with disabilities that prevent them from being able to support themselves via employment and who have no other source of income. It is means-tested, which means that applicants and recipients must meet certain income and resource requirements. SSI is a needs-based program, meaning that a potential recipient must demonstrate that they truly need assistance from the program.

In contrast, Social Security is a Federally-administered but subscriber-funded (via the FICA tax) program of national social insurance. Social Security is an entitlement, meaning that everyone who pays into the program is entitled to receive benefits from it, regardless of their income or "means." Please note that Social Security (including Social Security Disability Insurance -- SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI) are two completely different things. The two are authorized by separate pieces of legislation (passed some 40 years apart) and have completely different sources of funding.

This page contains information about Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI). It is what most Americans are referring to when they talk about being "on Disability." Social Security Disability is one of a constellation of benefits that anyone can receive if they have paid into the Social Security system and then become disabled and meet certain criteria. Social Security Disability, as an insurance benefit, can pay benefits to children and dependents of qualified members who are eligible for disability payments. This is most likely what you were referring to when you described benefits paid to the children. It is not the program I was describing in my previous response.

tl;dr -- You and I are talking about two different things. What you talked about is indeed a thing, but it is not known by the name you gave it. That name refers to an entirely different thing.

Don't feel bad -- the two are frequently confused with each other. (Trust me -- all that stuff I rattled off above is a well-practiced explanation honed during thirty years as a social worker.)

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So basically Mitch is saying that with the economy improving and unemployment going down (no thanks to the GOP), employers no longer can be picky as hell about who they hire. Since there's not 5 people for every job opening, employers can no longer demand a college degree and 5 years experience for their entry level, minimum wage burger flipper or merchandise stocker jobs and now they're whining like WATBs because they might have to offer what the job is actually worth. Cry me a fucking river...

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Perhaps these questioners could gather by torchlight and place their questions on the tines of pitchforks, in order to convey the intensity of their queries.

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You win the "Martini spew on the keyboard" award this week! Funny as hell...

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*sniff* What's that smell? Oh. McConnell's bullshit.

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I have to say that the "Say you know who else..." comments are my favorite, because the creative answer we get.

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