Shared >264,000 times on FaceBuch. There may be hope for the rest of us.

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Ah, you beat me to it.

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108 out of millions. Lots of millions. Also, where did the 108 deaths occur, hmm?

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Unless, of course, you're an adult male who gets the mumps.

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"for now, they can just pray...."sure, why not? `cause prayers be so damn effective and shit.

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It is time to institute quarantines in this country - not so much of unvaccinated children, as of their idiot parents, from television and other means of promoting their stupid "thoughts".

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Plague (Yersinia pestis) was actually one of the earliest diseases a vaccine was developed for, all the way back in the late 19th century. However, the vaccine (based on killed bacteria) was only moderately effective. Apparently, there is a live vaccine now which appears much more effective.

I think the main targets for plague vaccines are third-world countries, since in the developed world, plague is relatively rare, and can be treated by antibiotics. Of course, the way things are going, that could well change in the coming years.

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Please explain to me why this guy still has a license to practice "medicine". I wouldn't let him treat me for dandruff.

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There's a new dumbass thing making its way through the pile of dumbassery that is Facebook. Zero Measles Death since 2004...108 Measles deaths from vaccinations in the same time. So, 108 people out the tens of thousands (millions?) that got the shot had an adverse reaction to it and sadly died? Gee...I wonder how many people didn't die from measles after getting the vax...say world wide?

<b>13.8 million</b>


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"Teach the controversy!" "But there isn't any controvery. It's really cut and dried." "Well, I'm throwing water on it to make it a controversy." "Then do you believe in Obama's death panels?" "Fuck off, America-hating, Sharia-loving warmist."

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Yes, how very Hippocratic of him.

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The irony - it burns!

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"I’m not going to put my child at risk to save another child ... If a child is so vulnerable like that, they shouldn’t be going out into society.”

I'm just guessing here, but . . . this asshole is all libertardian, all the time. BTW, asshole, those kids who are "so vulnerable"? They're vulnerable because <i><b>THEY HAVEN'T BEEN FUCKING VACCINATED!!</b></i>

I hope all of his patients read or see this, and make a decision about the quality of their health care accordingly.

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Those are <i>vintage</i> diseases. They go well with steampunk hardware and turn-of-the-(last)-century clothing.

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Needz moar colored smoke. Lots and lots of it, for no fucking reason whatsoever.

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