I don't think the electric chair was meant to be more "humane"... it's just that in the USA, people love technical novelty.

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Oh yes, he has many musical instruments to donate ... including a meat whistle.

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I dream of getting out of here all the time.

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Some libruls seem AMAZED to find out that the POPE IS CATHOLIC, which means he loves social justice AND stupid rules about sex and reproduction.

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I had issues with the pope because of his reluctance to appoint a female cardinal or to allow women priests but liked his other messages of acceptance and kindness.

Then he defended a homosexual priest by saying, "Who am I to judge?" when asked about that priest's lifestyle and I thought, "Wow! Maybe this pope is different in a positive way?" Then I heard he was against homosexuality (outside of the RCC it's a sin but if you're in the Church then Francis is A-OK with whatever you do) and against ssm but I liked his message about caring for the poor, disenfranchised, and sick. Now learning he met with Kim Davis and her husband, and how badly he's handled the RCC sex scandal I know he's a fuck face like all the others - maybe worse.

Another Wonketeer posted this last week. It's eye opening for those of us who fell for Francis' grift, or were on the fence about him. And it's even important reading for those of you who were too smart or too snark to ever fall for any of it.


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Ugh, I didn't think I could detest any public figure as much as Huckabee, but that fuckstick Cruz is getting mighty close.

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Fisher Price

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A revolting cock.

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Is she? This afternoon's NPR piece said she was Catholic and was raised Catholic.

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Technically, "spokeswoman for Fallin" was lying. Or just didn't know.

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Fuck the Pope. He's the C.E.O. of a worldwide criminal conspiracy, selected by a tiny cabal of other wretched old sexless (sometimes) men who were appointed by his predecessors & his religion is as big a lie as anyone has ever told about anything.

Don't get suckered by a few words w/ which you might agree from the old bastard, he's just like the effin' Mormons: Milk Before Meat.

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Especially considering the actual killer s up for parole in seven years. I know I'd be much more comfortable around someone who had a thought that they wanted someone dead than around someone who actually made it happen.

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N.P.R. is wrong. She's a recent convert to the Apostolic Church.

Therefore, we seek to be a good example and portray the joy of the Lord. A Christian’s lifestyle should follow the patterns found in the Bible.We believe the Word instructs that a humble, careful servant of God will have an outward appearance that is a reflection of the inward person. For instance, we teach that he or she should be dressed modestly and simply, without drawing unnecessarily attention to oneself. Men should look masculine and women should look feminine.That's why she's so ugly & wears those weird frilly T-shirts over the rest of her clothes.

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Thanks for the info.

Yes well there are plenty of ugly gay-hating misogynist poor-hating Catholics round my way.

I wonder if the Davis' leaked the story with the Pope's blessing? The NPR report I heard said he requested the meeting be a secret and for her, her husband, and lawyer to lol promise not to discuss it.But they got her religious affiliation wrong so maybe other details were incorrect as well.

Maybe the pope believes his secret meeting with Davis will attract converts?

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Yes and Yes. Pretty much.

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I am more surprised that anyone is surprised Pope is not for homosexuality. I woulda figured that was a given. Just because he'd prefer people not to politicize someone else's sexuality does not mean he, personally, is on board with it. He is also against abortion, I absolutely guarantee it. Unlike American Pro-lifers, he carries his pro-lifing post birth, but still, it is surely there. I doubt he is pro-birth control but probably sees it as a necessity and I am very very very sure he is very against wimins being priests also too.

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