OMG, now he's trying to claim he invented the term "radical lib?" Jesus, has someone been piping Nixon's speeches into his bedroom again? Dudes, change it up a bit. Go with Spiro Agnew for a while. At least he was entertaining.

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Obama may be able to control the weather, but Blubber Barr has a time machine. Apparently, we've got The Flash's rogues gallery in the halls of government?!

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"Jesus, has someone been piping Nixon's speeches into his bedroom up his ass again?" It would have to be since that's where his ears are, along with the rest of his pus-filled cranium.

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He says Barr is working 28 hours a day because he wants to give him extra credit for the four hours a condemned man was strapped to a gurney while his executioners waited for court permission to proceed with killing him in our name.

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Stan Getz is under-appreciated. In a Downbeat magazine article John Coltrane was asked to list his saxophone influences. There were four names on the list: Lester Young, Sonny Stitt, Sonny Rollins, and Stan Getz.

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Haven't you noticed that he just lip-syncs her monologues?

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The marimba version of "The Girl From Ipanema" is too good for that asshole. Make it a crappy muzak version of "8 Days a Week."

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"And I will say that we put on a very powerful rule and law that you get 10 years if you knock down a monument. lie to Congress."

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You know how to bring down the rising crime rate in this country? Take care of jobless people.

Those tens of millions of people thrown out of work by the Republican response to the pandemic should get a monthly stipend, and extensions on their eviction protection, and they should get access to affordable medical, dental, and mental health care.

The Republicans should have funded the nearly 70,000 small business owners who have seen their dreams go up in smoke, while more than $2 trillion in taxpayers' dollars went to American Airlines (which is why Ted Cruz gets to ride without a mask if he feels like it), Koch Industries, and a bunch of wealthy Republican donors. Holding a stake in the country's future would have kept the crime rate down for those tens of thousands of devastated entrepreneurs, now facing eviction and mountains of debt.

The Republicans---who want our schools to reopen, because Europe's schools are reopening---should give the unemployed and furloughed workers a baseline income of $2000 a month, like the Europeans did. And access to national health care, like the Europeans did. And testing and contract tracing for Covid 19, like the Europeans did.

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I will steal that comment re: siren and elevator music, because, gold.

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Ever read Cory Doctorow's novel Little Brother? If you haven't, it is about a DHS takeover of San Francisco after DHS commits a false-flag "terrorist attack" on the city.Well worth reading, and frighteningly timely.

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Orange and fat and loud and stupidThe so-called pre-si-dent is yappingAnd while he's yappingA thousand citizensDiiieee...Apologies to Laurindo Almeida (??)

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"Nattering nabobs of negativism" FTW!

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Last night, just before 9 p.m., got a call on my cell- some guy trying to raise money for "Defending Our Police" or something like that (that's right- not defunding, DEFENDING). He told me that "cops are under attack", and "they just want to go home at the end of their shift" and all the rest of that spiel, relentlessly. When he paused to draw breath i said loudly "NOT A CHANCE", but he then started in again with the wheedling ("just a few dollars would make a lot of difference") and this time i managed to cut it short, saying "NO. Not buying the narrative of cops in danger, the statistics do not bear this out" which was as far as i could get before he did a canned spiel about "this is an independent organization and not affiliated with any particular individual's campaign" and hung up.

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Trump is running a 1968 campaign in 2020.

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No he actually cannot "declare martial law" . Despite his fondest wishes, he still isn't King, and "his generals" will not obey an illegal order.

This is mostly due to the fact that he cannot legally just invent an excuse to do this.

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