Speaking of screwed up kids, it's a given Russian adoptions are a scam. Find some good well meaning christians with money and unload one of these screwed up kids on them. There are a lot of Russian adoption horror stories. I believe some have sent them back on one-way ticket immediately after flying with them to US. Unbonded kids have some really bad wiring and are really effed up. Absolutely not the kid's fault.

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The June 30 marches are still very much on.

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Really. They don’t seem to be very big. Or frequent.

I mean considering that everyone here talks constantly about, and rightly so, the fact that Trump really is destroying the country you’d think there would be a little more enthusiasm for getting off their asses and doing something about it. But nope. People don’t like that idea one but. They seem to think you can save your country from creeping fascism by tappity tapping away on the ‘puter day after day. And praying to Saint Mueller of course.

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Did the Million Mom March get called off? If so, WHY! There is still a demented dipshit in the White House! Trump is still a danger to civil order and is pushing the boundaries of the law in ways which are inconceivable to a "Moderate Republican" much less a Flaming Liberal!You don't stop punching when your opponent is on the ropes, you keep hitting him, until he goes down! Now that Trump is retreating, keep punching him!

Excellent journalism too Doc!

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I didn't see this yesterday. I made it through a tiny bit of the PBS video before I started crying and had to stop it. Thanks, Evan, for the link.

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In overcrowded orphanages, such as 1980s Romania, even if the staff wanted to cuddle the kids, there were just too many.

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It's my opinion the Japan itself bore some responsibility for the treatment of the Japanese Americans. A particularly odd report I've run across is that there was a similar panic about spies and ssboteurs abroad during Japan's war with Russia in the early 1900s. That would indicate that their gov could easily have anticipated a similar backlash in the US, even if they had not tried to recruit support themselves (a question I have never seen analyzed to my own satisfaction).

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Dictatorships do need enemies; but not too many enemies. Trump never does anything proportionately.

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Yep, thinking along the same lines. Sessions is a racist criminal, but he’s also a survivor. I’m thinking he’ll squeal if he thinks it’ll save his hide.

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Republicans hate America, but they also and especially hate anyone who is looking to the model of what America was supposed to be for relief.

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Good to know I am constitutionally protected! ;-)

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They have to increase the number of Republicans in the next couple of generations SOMEHOW.

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There were, are, and will be protests.

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When something bad happens to THEM and then they cry "where's the government to help me!!"

My answer to them is the same answer they have for everyone else.

"Go fuck yourself."

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Between this and the lead-tainted water in Flint (and elsewhere!), the Republican agenda seems to be to give mental problems to as many vulnerable children as possible.

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