How do you think nerd babbys come to be?

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Minnesota-raised pork is the bomb, too.

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Everyone Else In The World libelz!!1!

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(I read that in Thor's voice, all pompous and pseudo-British.)

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Must have run out of the "I AM Stupid" t shirts already then....

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It's not so bizarre when you consider that the NRA is really nothing more than an arms manufacturers' lobbying group. What does it matter what Americans want - or how many of them may die - if it interferes with profits?

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They proudly vote person, not party, like they can't figure out the Republican Party represents something, and it ain't them.

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Lots of rear end explosions from pinto beans, also too.

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Trump libels. The Donald's favorables have gone from 26 to 52; his unfavorables have gone from 56 to 35. I literally am starting to get my hopes up. http://talkingpointsmemo.co...

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Well bless your heart. sw19wonbie mentions negativity, lies and scaremongering, and here you are presenting exactly what he (she?) was talking about. Do you have a version that doesn't use deceptive editing to get its points across, or are you just here to reinforce our understanding of the GOP?

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He could run this all the way to the convention. And the Central Committee will either ignore or bar his delegates turning the floor fight into a Chicago-style riot. Tear gas and all. And you thought Ron Paul made waves? End result? I think the final split of the Republicans into the Real Rebs and the Whig-Flippers.

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Totally stealing this.

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I've often wondered why Stupid and Dumb people didn't get bred out of the gene pool. Actually, they did. It's a recessive trait, which means it only shows up in 25% of the population (Mendal's Law).

25% is the same number of people who supported Hitler in Germany. Or George W. Bush in America. It just seems like more, because they have BIG FUCKING LOUD MOUTHS...


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Great. So... what's your grand plan with all the live 'people' you'll force women to carry to term? I mean if you're really really committed to saving lives... why not try concentrating on the ones that are already here?Oh, that's right, they grew up and stopped being cute theoretical babies and started being annoying humans.

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Dead meat in a dogfight.

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Note that the stunt has been done with a 100 round drum and the bacon was declared half-cooked by an honest man. Huckleberry was half-baked, anything was edible.

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