Do they give everyone a form only in English that asks if they are Nobel Laureates or Olympic Medalists?

Because we're gonna.

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Like we did during the Vietnam war? Sorry about fucking over your Iraq War refugees, but this guy was at the helm:


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You would probably enjoy this facebook page:


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Shut up YOU'RE crying!*sob*

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Graphing the function in terms of hours on an AM/PM clock is periodic but not sinusoidal because of it's defined units. This makes my formula complicated. It is easier to define as an angle but that that defeats the purpose.

Regardless, cogito ergo bibo.

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"Hi, do you have The Antarctic Cookbook""Not familiar with that one. What's in it, recipes for roast penguin with fava beans?"--Actual reference question at local library, with snarkier answer than actually given.

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Also that live by choice in 'Merka, as opposed to America or Canada.

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Ho Lee Shit

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I'm grateful to our neighbors in Grandmother's Land. Au Canada!

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Tim Horton's is often partnered in tandem with Wendy's or Coldstone in parts of the midwest, at least. Much smaller market share, still.

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Canada, where the Green Party isn't fucking demented.

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Mostly nauseous, I've noticed.

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My American half is so ashamed, my Canadian half so proud!

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Sigh -- one day I'll live in a country like that. Again.

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The smell depends on the cultivar. I usually like it, but it is a very strong and distinctive smell so I can imagine people not liking it.

Weed smells a thousand times better than tobacco though, it also doesn't make your kisses taste like ashes as much as tobacco.

Coffee-breath is horrible as well, since we are speaking of legal mind-altering substances.

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Cannabis leaf tea tastes great, doesn't really give a buzz though.

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