This may be my new favorite JF quote.

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I up-voted this non-comment, but there are some areas where you just can't get good cell phone reception. My mom lives in one of them.

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You could fuck him with a woodchipper.

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George W. had the good reflexes back then.

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Actually Im thinking of getting a landline cause I hate making phone calls on my cell.

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I trust there's no rule limiting what one could fuck Mr. Sessions with? And is there a version of this game called Shoot/Strangle/Poison?

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Where I live is one of the largest counties in the U.S. for growing vegetables. The farm workers do not use banks for a lot of good reasons.However, the result is that they are preyed upon. Last year there were some dozen or so incidents where armed men went into migrant worker housing and robbed and beat men at gunpoint. That's because the robbers know that the workers get paid on Fridays and will thus have hundreds of dollars in their pockets or homes.Occasionally they shoot one or more, resulting in deaths. A few years ago a farmworker arrived in the U.S. on a Friday -- through a legal visa program -- to begin picking tomatoes on the following Monday. On Saturday night a group of armed guys went inside and fatally shot him during the robbery and wounded two others.

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The correct warning phrase for those people is: "Hay ya'll, watch this!"Upon hearing phrase, run! Flee for your life, seek shelter, and good luck.The video doesn't record it all, but I'm sure this Georgia redneck Trump fanatic said those four words before blowing his own leg off for the world to wath.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I know what you mean, RC, I lived in the south, TN, GA, KY for nearly 20 years and significant portion of my employees had large families, starting around age 16 (± 2) for the women.

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I'm just pointing out that as income (and education levels) rise, family size falls. This holds across all racial and ethnic groups. For those without much of the first two, having a passel of kids increases the likelihood of one of them being successful enough to sustain the parents in their old age. The problem is that for a Democracy, this means the collective IQ of the nation falls over time. This can be remedied by intensive investment in public schools, but that might mean fewer F-22 fighters or taxing the jerb creators, so that's a dealbreaker now.

Yup, we're boned

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You have posted the response that makes the most sense, RC.

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They’re too busy exchanging insurance information after the last crash

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Taps shoulder, correct, old chap, this calls for experience:

“Or a Mississippi Ph.D. Candidate “

You’re welcome

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Bot talking to itself. Is their bots learning?

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Morons breed faster

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A woman’s place is on top

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