"I though the punchline would be, "She's now my <strike>wife</strike> widow." Fixed.

Seriously...I would have blown my brains out a long time ago. I don't know how the dude she married managed to last this long (another friend from highschool).

BTW - You folks probably don't remember this, but from a comment a long time ago about a friend of mine who is a birther, while at the same time belonged to a Big Foot "study" society...this is the same dude. Must be unending larfs at that house.

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I hope I didn't seem flip with my comment. I just had this image of three young people riding through the rain, dealing with the trauma of an abortion, all the while a Simon and Garfunkle style sound track playing in the background, inter-spaced with news about the Kennedy assassination. (I tend to think of things visually - like a movie).

I hope everything worked out.

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Even Area 51 is being talked about openly now.

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Well she is sure not a classy Georgia O' Keefe cunt, maybe some sort of rabid prison tattoo cunt.

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Is there nothing, no matter how large or how small, that Palin can't comment on and embarrass our country yet again?

I had a girlfriend who was like Palin in this respect...she had no filter between what went on in her head and what came out of her mouth. There was nothing too awkward, creepy, or insensitive that she would utter. My senior year was one long face-palm. And the amazing thing is she hasn't changed after 31 years. We have run into each other on Facebook and she still does the same shit, except online...Just like Sarah.

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I can still remember what I was doing when Kennedy was shot. I was watching "Mad Men".

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Compared to Eisenhower and Nixon, he was Gorgeous George.

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and to women who were denied access to post-graduate schools, expected to stay home once they married, and were paid less for the same jobs as men.

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Holy shit...that is a downer.

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Am I the only one in the world who never got the "handsome JFK" thing? Every picture I've ever seen of him, even young, just made me go, "Eh." JFK Jr. was handsome, but his dad? No.

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It's official. Sarah Palin is the Antichrist.

Also, someone needs to send DeMint a recipe for Hopeless Cause Muffins so he can get baking. I'm told they freeze well.

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Does anyone know where Dick Cheney was on the day of JFK's assassination?

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