The only appropriate response to this growing pooritude is to develop the ability to not see poverty, the same way conservatards like to pretend they don't see race.

However, there's a lesser likelihood of a Poor president ever being elected than there was of a part-black, non-African-American prez being elected. Yet it's not hopeless! C'mon, Poors, give Karl Rove a call.

Come to think of it, most of us have already developed Poor-blindness pretty successfully. I know I have no problem stepping over the homeless people who sleep in the doorway to my condo. It helps to think of them as "bums" or "hobos" rather than mentally ill poor people cast aside by our cruel system of medical care discrimination.

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he really is having a meltdown this week isn't he?

these meltdowns seem to go in cycles. probably battery life.

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Much appreciated. Here's a quarter. Please see a doctor as soon as possible.

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i heard some business dude somewhere on npr in the last couple days actually admit that they're waiting til november to do anything: hire, invest, release cash.


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If we took all the rich people and divided them up between the all the poors everyone would have a piece of the wealth. Messy but fair.

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