As a casual student of history, I am especially alarmed by this report, since predictions like this have never been made in the past.

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I saw that yesterday and wondered to myself, "Can't wait until Ken sees this!" Anyway, you'll be fine on your desert compound; pity us out here in suburbia! The Rascal Riots will be devastating.

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I thought this might have been written by Newt Gingrich til I got to the "far-right patriot" part being the problem instead of the solution. However, the grammatical correctness and appropriate use of polysyllabic words were both key to realizing that it wasn't the work of a Palin.

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I was thinking about this whilst running an errand this morning. This collapse is going to take place during my "waning years"...a time when I should be looking forward to retirement. I found myself getting a little pissed thinking about how well most (white) people lived during the 20th century and now just when I should be coming into my own...oops, sorry. Nothing left. I will be picking up a BB gun or .22 because it looks like squirrel will be on the menu in a few years. I know...this sound selfish. But, I have a customer who is retired, owns three (3!) homes, and has nothing else to do but bust my balls over an $65 increase on his insurance from last year (it's a $3,000 policy). This asshole will be long dead by the time I have to choose sides in the Great Southern Maine Squirrel War. Then I find myself getting even more pissed that we Americans (mea culpa) have since WWII have always lived like the good time would never end. Oil will never run out, pollution doesn't matter, and we deserve a bigger house...oh, and wars are entertaining. Ah well...none of my immediate family lived past 56 years, so there is a form of hope I guess.

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"This is how the world ends... not with a bang, but with a Tweet."

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A new Grignon Tract for a new era?

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