Julian Assange dropped another steaming document dump, consisting of "diplomatic cables" that are actually rather embarrassing and not even remotely diplomatic. Aside from revealing that U.S. diplomats are constantly saying rude things about foreign dignitaries, these cables also document how Hillary Clinton ordered her State Department minions to "spy" on basically everyone. Rep. Steve King, the incoming chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, says Wikileaks should be designated as a terrorist organization/the twentieth 9/11 hijacker. (Erick Erickson rightly points out that the United States government usually sends Julian Assange angry letters whenever we are angry at him, instead of just murdering him.) Apparently these cables are going to ruin international relations forever, so the United States might actually have to apologize for once. But not to Julian Assange! Kill him! [ BBC ]
John McCain lusts for "regime change" in North Korea. What a horrible old man. [ MSNBC ]
Meanwhile, "assailants on motorcycles" (but probably "the Mossad, on motorcycles") strapped bombs to the cars of two Iranian nuclear scientists as they were driving to work in Tehran. One scientist died, the other was wounded. So it goes. [ AP ]
I was also going to say steer clear of men with poison-tipped umbrellas, who want to try shoving one up his ass, which is a thing spies do!, but .....how the hell does Julian Assange manage to continue to walk around, unmolested? Is it like that scene from the Peter Sellers movie, where all the assassins comically kill each other at Oktoberfest, while Clouseau walks around from one attraction to the next?
I never NEVER want to imagine what "a turn on John McCain's swing" might be like.