You think he passes those cheques out in person? He MAILS those cheques.

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What if I have no guns and no kids?

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But all of those flannel shirted , ball cap wearing ,pot bellied men , and gap toothed skinny kids ,in orange are keeping us free ! They can take on the Gubermint if needed !

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Is it normal to feel so numb about the carnage? Is it normal to feel so hopeless?

If you read a lot of comics, especially Silver Age stuff, you might recognise the feeling. The supervillain concocts his scheme. People die. The superhero stops him and captures him and gets him put away, but the supervillain always gets free and puts the same cycle in motion, again and again and again.But it's not comic books. It's real life. We can't close the cover or stop buying it.When does it STOP?

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I hate that we're doing so poorly Up Here. But it's because 3/4 of them are suicides. It doesn't get talked about, but I hear it's slowly getting attention.I wish it were faster.

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Too late.

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Do you mean the same voters who are anti-choice because they believe in the "sanctity of life?"

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From what I've read the Texas gun culture is not likely to generate the kind of student response the Stoneman-Douglas kids had. Pity.

Meanwhile mental heath funding gets cut.......again.

Too bad there are no "conversion therapy" programs for ammosexuals.

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And at the 1989 FA cup at Hillsborough Stadium

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Because a drug mule and gun-runner to terror supporting nations is exactly to whom we should look for moral and legal guidance at a time like this.

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Facts have a known liberal bias.

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He knew NOT to be at the school! Just like all those people who knew NOT be at 9/11! Don't you SEE???

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It's true. My buddy a cop was standing next to him when he ID'd her. My buddy said he'd never seen so much blood in his life. He's pretty fucked up now.

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That doesn't explain the women who are gun nuts through.

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