Good point. I suspect they have a very deep closet into which to throw things.

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I am SO getting these stamps. Reams of them. Reams.

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The Derpy Express.

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It was Milk's body she found just after he was shot, her finger entering the bullet hole on his wrist as she tried to find a pulse.

Maybe White could be commemorated with a twinkie stamp?

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I'm not just the president; I'm a member.

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Paying off your Mercedes-Benz will be a lot more fun.

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The RWNJs are going to love the <a href="http:\/\/www.stampnewsnow.com\/generateditems\/2014%20USPS%20ImagesWeb\/14-GlobalOceanForever.jpg" target="_blank">Global Warming stamp</a>.

Also, it was nice of the GOP to sponsor the <a href="http:\/\/www.stampnewsnow.com\/generateditems\/2014%20USPS%20ImagesWeb\/14-chippendale.png" target="_blank">Obama stamp</a>,

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Pshh... I got gay cooties once... nothing to worry about.

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Real manly men use <a href="https:\/\/store.usps.com\/store\/browse\/productDetailSingleSku.jsp\?categoryNav=false&amp\;navAction=push&amp\;navCount=0&amp\;productId=S_471804&amp\;categoryId=buy-stamps" target="_blank">Charleton Heston</a> stamps. Or better yet, they use their rifles to propel their letters directly to the intended recipients. USA! USA!

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What kind of socialist commie pussy uses the Dear Leader's Post Office?

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Stamps. How quaint.

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No, the AFA just wants a stamp of their own. The problem with that is that no one would know which side was the right one to spit on.

(Old joke, I know)

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I am stoked about purchasing a few sheets of these stamps. I'm going to have a couple framed and give them to my musician friends for Christmas. The rest I'll use for birthday cards and mortgage checks.

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AFA is so homophobic, they want humans to be referred to as Hetero Sapiens.

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How was DiFi not at the unveiling? Can't think of any other current politician more strongly associated with Milk.

I think I might have to buy a roll of these, just in case I ever have cause to send mail to the AFA, because no other stamp would do for such correspondence.

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