Fuck Romneybot. He's still the same calculating POS he that greeted the deaths of five Americans with glee because he could exploit that against Obama.

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He wrote himself in while having a rummage in his pants. Some dreams never die and you gotta get your jollies where you can.

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Wouldn't he want a country where he has a bank account? So Ireland (fuck RIGHT off you tangerine maggot), the UK (How deep is BoJo's love? How would a Brexit-ed UK cope with the US saying no trade deals for you unless you extradite him?), and Gyna. I predict Gyna. If they'd let him in once he is useless to them.

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I think the magic underpants just winked at her.

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Dubai. Lots of golf courses in Dubai.

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Trump still hold rallies? With what? He's sure as hell not going to do it on his own dime. He might very well find his time occupied by the likes of the State of New York.

And rumor has it the President's personal lawyer drops his pants to his ankles when he pees in public restrooms.

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Romney's positioning himself for the '24 race. He'll brand himself as the Comeback Kid, and even his fellow Republicans will snicker uncontrollably.

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Drop dead, Rush. I mean that sincerely from my heart.

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His twin is Tricky

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"...that sounds fun, like the end of an old monster movie where Frankenstein's creature and the Wolfman fight in a burning castle..."

That does sound fun. This is just another reason to love SER; he knows how to have FUN! With votes.

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One fortune cookie I don't want to see.

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well....now that they KNOW him a bit better.....

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don't think for a second that this is the end of us, bobby.

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bertrand russell would have laughed his ass off.

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i lost it when her killer said that her last words were, "tell bobby he was the only man i ever loved."

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