Hey, I'm iconoclastic. Anyone who won't eat or drink something, or dresses a certain way, or suppresses their own human nature, simply because their mythology tells them it is right, are apt to get the ridicule treatment from me. I suppose this video is merely trying to convince the stupid among us that American Muslims aren't the bogeyman, but my irreverent, disrespectful snark is aiming for the commonalities they share.

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that guy at .12 was pretty cute.

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Meanwhile, radical Hindus are quietly moving into more and more areas of American life, just waiting for their day to strike.

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Apparently these muslins think the First Amendment lets them to everything real Americans can do. Worship, speak. Next they'll be assembling and petitioning. It's the assembling that has me worried. Can you imagine 87,000 religious fanatics (plus or minus 9K) all in one place? They could turn America toward God, which obviously must be stopped at all costs.

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right on

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You beat me to it! Dang! No doubt Glumm Bleek isn't going to put out a PSA such as this one. Of course, having his own radio and tv shows, he really doesn't need PSA's. He just needs a much, much better message!

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I say sit them in a room with a bunch of Evangelicals so they can discover all the wonderful things they have in common! "Wait, YOU don't like alcohol? WE don't like alcohol! YOU think sexyytime outside of marriage is wrong? WE think sexytime outside of marriage is wrong? YOU think fags should be killed? OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS!"

Communication would finally reveal the true, natural, crazy-ass theological bonds between them. So what if they get a little competitive on their quest for making the world bend to their silly beliefs. Competition is a good thing.

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