Oh, but they did.....and now I need mind bleach to get that out of my head. Memo to self: Stop following links on Wonkette.

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Well, sure. Plus, if you are Barry:

1. It's Michelle..what more could you want? I mean, really.

2. She would rip his Obamaparts off and shove them down his throat if he strayed.

Really, a no-brainer.

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..and now........page......[number] two....

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I refer yo uto the Wal-mart link in the comments above.


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Money and shot?

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<i>Flynt and Eisenbach’s big idea is that the sex lives of America’s presidents have actually impacted policy and the Course of Events and whatnot.</i>

Well, we HAVE fucked over a lot of other countries, after all.

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John Adams’ disgusted claim that Alexander Hamilton spewed such limitless semen as “no number of whores could draw off.”

Holy shit! Wait 'till the Paultards hear this about the evil founder of the Bank of The United States. He spewed semen like the Federal Reserve and Bernacke spew dollars! Now it all makes sense!

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